What File Sharing Services Work In China?

file sharing to china


In China, where internet censorship and restrictions are more stringent compared to many other countries, accessing and using certain file sharing services can be challenging. One such restriction is due to The Great Firewall Of China.
Officially known as the Golden Shield Project, it is a comprehensive system of internet censorship and surveillance implemented by the Chinese government. It aims to control and limit access to specific foreign websites, social media platforms, and online services. Authorities consider these politically sensitive, inappropriate, or contrary to the Communist Party’s ideology.
The firewall employs a combination of technologies, including DNS filtering, IP blocking, and deep packet inspection, to monitor and filter internet traffic. It also employs a large number of human censors to manually review and block content.

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Legal & Legitimate Methods To Enable File Sharing With China

There are legal and legitimate methods that aid in file sharing to and from China. Here are a few:

1. Virtual Private Network (VPN): Using a government-approved VPN service can provide a secure and encrypted connection to access blocked websites. Make sure to choose a VPN service that complies with local laws and regulations.

2. Shadowsocks: This is an open-source encrypted proxy project, which can also be used to bypass internet censorship.

3. Tor Browser: The Tor network can help you access blocked content by routing your connection through a series of volunteer-operated servers.

4. Proxy Servers: Proxy servers can act as intermediaries between your device and the internet, allowing you to access blocked content.

5. Mobile Data: Sometimes, using mobile data instead of Wi-Fi can bypass certain restrictions.

6. Legal VPN Services: There are government-approved VPN services in China that allow you to access international websites.

7. Local Alternatives: China often has local equivalents of popular international websites and services. For example, Weibo is used instead of Twitter, and Youku instead of YouTube.

8. Satellite Internet: In some cases, satellite internet can bypass local censorship, but this is a more complex and costly solution.

8. File Sharing Services: There are some file sharing solutions that are not hampered by the various restrictions. Using them to file share with China is no different to sharing files with users in other countries. Filemail is one such solution that works just fine.

The usage of VPN’s is a popular method of bypassing the firewall, so let’s look into that bit further.

Using VPN's To Navigate Restrictions When File Sharing To China

Users in China often resort to virtual private networks (VPNs). A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user’s device and a server located outside of China, effectively bypassing censorship and allowing access to blocked websites and services.

By connecting to a VPN, users can potentially overcome the restrictions and access file sharing services like Filemail more reliably.

However, it’s worth mentioning that the Chinese government actively blocks VPN services, and their accessibility can be inconsistent.
The government periodically tightens its grip on VPN usage, resulting in disruptions and limitations. Therefore, while a VPN may provide a workaround, it’s not a guaranteed solution for uninterrupted access to file sharing services in China.
FileMail File Sharing App

File Sharing With China Using Filemail

There are still a few file sharing services that work relatively well within China’s digital landscape. One such service is Filemail, which has gained popularity for its secure and efficient file transfer capabilities.
Filemail is a cloud-based file sharing service that allows users to send large files easily and securely. It offers several advantages that make it a suitable choice for users in China.
Firstly, Filemail supports high-speed transfers, ensuring that files can be shared quickly and efficiently, even with limited bandwidth. This is particularly important in China, where internet speeds may vary and be slower at times.

Secure File Sharing With Filemail

Another key feature of Filemail is its security measures. The service employs encryption to protect the files during transit, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to intercept or access the shared data. This level of security is crucial in China, where online privacy and data protection are significant concerns.
Moreover, Filemail provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of file sharing. Users can easily upload files to the platform and generate secure download links, which can be sent to recipients via email or other messaging platforms.
This straightforward approach ensures that both senders and recipients can navigate the service without much technical expertise or difficulties.

Use Filemail To Share Any File Type & Format

One of the notable advantages of Filemail is its compatibility with different file formats. Users can send a wide range of files, including documents, images, videos, and even large archives.
This versatility is especially beneficial for professionals and businesses in China who often need to exchange various file types as part of their daily operations.
Furthermore, Filemail offers both free and paid subscription plans, allowing users to choose the option that best fits their needs and budget. The free plan typically has limitations on file size and storage capacity.
The paid plans offer additional features such as larger file sizes, increased storage, and advanced customization options. This flexibility makes Filemail accessible to users with different requirements and usage patterns.
Filemail is a reliable file sharing service that operates effectively in China. However, it’s crucial to be aware that the Chinese government’s internet restrictions and censorship may impact the accessibility of any service, including Filemail.
In China, the government employs various methods, such as the Great Firewall, to control and monitor internet traffic, limiting access to certain websites and online services.


In conclusion, while internet censorship poses challenges for file sharing services in China, Filemail stands out as a reliable option. Filemail offers high-speed transfers, robust security features, and compatibility with various file formats. These qualities make it an excellent choice for users in China seeking efficient and secure file sharing solutions.
However, it’s essential to consider the limitations imposed by the Chinese government’s internet restrictions and censorship. Employing a VPN may offer a workaround, but its effectiveness can be inconsistent due to the government’s periodic crackdowns on VPN usage.
As the digital landscape in China evolves, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest developments and adapt accordingly to ensure smooth and secure file sharing experiences.

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What Is File Sharing & How Does It Work

What Is File Sharing


In this article, I will cover what is file sharing and how file sharing works. I delve into the intricacies of file sharing, unraveling its diverse facets, advantages, challenges, and the means to navigate them effectively.

I investigate different types of file sharing solutions, from conventional approaches to the latest technologies. These solutions empower both individuals and organizations to easily share, collaborate, and access information on various devices and from different places.

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1. What Is File Sharing?

File sharing has become an integral part of our digital lives. People are accessing, exchanging, and distributing files across various devices and networks, for personal, and professional purposes. But, what is file sharing? Let’s start by defining it first.

File sharing definition: file sharing refers to the process of transmitting or distributing digital files from one user, or device, to another.

The types of files can include documents, images, videos, audio files, and more. The purpose of file sharing is to enable collaboration, information exchange, and easy access to files between different devices, locations, and people.
File sharing offers numerous benefits that have revolutionized the way we store and access information. Firstly, it promotes collaboration by allowing multiple users to view and work on the same file, improving productivity and efficiency.
Additionally, file sharing makes files accessible from any device with an internet connection, eliminating the need for physical storage devices.
File sharing also aids in backing up and recovering data, ensuring the safety of important files in case of hardware failure or unexpected events. It simplifies file distribution, making it easier to share large files with colleagues, clients, or friends, regardless of their physical location.
Furthermore, file sharing enables seamless sharing of resources, reducing the need for duplicate files and promoting sustainability.
digital media

2. How Does File Sharing Work?

File sharing works by allowing users to transmit digital files from one device or user to another through various methods. For file sharing software the process typically involves the following steps:

1. Selection: The user chooses the file or files they want to share from their device.

2. Initiation: The user initiates the sharing process through a chosen method, such as email, a file-sharing platform, or a direct connection.

3. Uploading: If the file-sharing method involves uploading to a cloud or server, the selected files are uploaded to a centralized location.

4. Link Generation: A link or access code may be generated, allowing the recipient to access the shared files. This can include password protection or expiration dates for added security.

5. Notification: The recipient is notified of the shared files through an email, notification, or direct message.

6. Downloading: The recipient accesses the shared files through the provided link or access code. They can then download the files to their own device.

7. Access: Once downloaded, the recipient has access to the files and can view, edit, or share them as needed.

8. Completion: Once the recipient has obtained the files and any necessary actions are taken, the file-sharing process is considered complete.

File sharing can take various forms, such as sending files as email attachments, using cloud storage services, sharing files through peer-to-peer networks, or utilizing collaborative platforms. The method chosen depends on factors like file size, security requirements, convenience, and the recipient’s technical capabilities.
File sharing method

3. 7 Ways To Share Files

Now that we know what file sharing is, let’s look at various methods of file sharing. There are a multitude of methods at our disposal, each offering unique merits and demerits. In this section, I provide an overview of their functionalities, suitability, and potential pitfalls.

Peer-To-Peer (P2P) File Sharing

P2P file sharing operates through a decentralized network, thus allowing users to share files directly with each other. By removing the need for a central server P2P facilitates quicker transfers.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that certain P2P networks have facilitated copyright infringement due to the unauthorized sharing of copyrighted content.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP is a standard network protocol used to transfer files between a client and a server on a computer network. It offers secure and reliable file sharing, commonly used by businesses and web developers to upload and download files to and from websites.

Cloud Storage Services

Cloud storage services, such as Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Filemail, have gained popularity in recent years. These services allow users to store files in the cloud and share them with specific individuals or make them accessible to a wider audience. Cloud storage offers easy synchronization across devices and robust security features to protect files.

Email Attachments

Email attachments remain one of the simplest methods of file sharing. Users can attach files to emails and send them to recipients. However, there are limitations on file size, and large attachments may face restrictions or result in slow transfers.

Collaborative Platforms

Various online platforms, like Google Docs, Microsoft Office 365, and Trello, provide file-sharing capabilities alongside real-time collaboration features. These platforms enable multiple users to work on files simultaneously, making them ideal for team projects and remote collaboration.

Removable Media

Unlike online file sharing, which involves using networks and the internet, removable media file sharing relies on the physical transfer of storage devices between different computers or devices. This approach is helpful when:

  • Internet access is limited.
  • Transferring large bulky files that are not suitable to transfer via some file sharing solutions.
  • There is a need for strict privacy and confidentiality.

However, this approach may also have limitations in terms of speed, security, and convenience compared to some online alternatives.

System Local File Sharing

System local file sharing involves sharing files and resources between devices connected within a local network. This type of file sharing occurs within a closed environment, such as a home or office network, without the need for an internet connection. It enables users to exchange files, documents, media, and other data directly between devices like computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
advantages of file sharing

4. 10 Advantages of File Sharing

File sharing has numerous advantages, which contribute to its popularity and widespread use. This section underscores how file sharing orchestrates these advantages to elevate work processes and interconnectivity.


File sharing allows multiple individuals or teams to work on the same document, project, or task. This fosters collaboration and enhances productivity by enabling real-time updates, feedback, and contributions from different users.

Easy Access & Distribution

File sharing simplifies the process of accessing and distributing files. Instead of physical transfers or complicated methods, users can effortlessly share files online, granting access to remote users.

Efficiency & Time Savings

File sharing eliminates the need for manual file transfers, reducing the time and effort required to share information. It enables fast and convenient distribution of files, leading to improved efficiency in various workflows and processes.


Sharing files electronically eliminates the costs associated with printing, copying, and shipping physical documents. It also decreases the requirement for extensive storage infrastructure since files are stored and accessed digitally.

Version Control & Revision Tracking

File sharing platforms often include version control features, allowing users to track changes made to files over time. This helps to avoid confusion and ensures that everyone has access to the latest version of a document or file.

Enhanced Security & Backup

Many file sharing services provide robust security measures to protect files from unauthorized access. Additionally, cloud-based file sharing platforms often have built-in backup mechanisms. This ensures that the system protects files and allows for recovery in case of data loss or system failure.

Scalability & Flexibility

File sharing accommodates various file types and sizes, making it suitable for different purposes and industries. Whether it’s sharing small documents, large multimedia files, or entire project folders, file sharing offers scalability and flexibility to meet diverse needs. With Filemail there are no restrictions, you can share files of any type and size.

Global Accessibility

With file sharing, geographic boundaries are no longer a hindrance. Individuals or teams can share files with people around the world, facilitating smooth communication and collaboration across various time zones.

Improved Document Control

File sharing platforms often provide granular control over file permissions, allowing users to define who can access, edit, or delete files. This ensures better document control and privacy, preventing unauthorized modifications or access to sensitive information.

Environmental Benefits

By reducing reliance on physical paper documents and transportation, file sharing contributes to environmental sustainability. It minimizes paper waste, carbon emissions, and energy consumption associated with traditional document-sharing methods.

5. 10 Disadvantages Of File Sharing

While file sharing champions efficiency, it also presents challenges that users must navigate. By acknowledging these drawbacks, individuals can take informed precautions and harness the benefits of file sharing more effectively.

Security & Compliance Risks

If you don’t take proper precautions, file sharing can pose security risks. Files shared over public networks or through insecure channels may be vulnerable to unauthorized access, malware, or data breaches. It is essential to use secure file sharing methods and platforms that employ encryption and other security measures.

Copyright Infringement

Individuals can misuse file sharing for illegal distribution of copyrighted material, such as movies, music, or software. This can result in legal consequences for both the uploader and downloader, violating intellectual property rights.

Viruses & Malware

File sharing networks and platforms can be breeding grounds for viruses, malware, and other malicious files. Users may unknowingly download infected files that can harm their devices or compromise their data security. It is crucial to have robust antivirus software and exercise caution when downloading files from unknown sources.

Unreliable Sources & Content

File sharing exposes users to content of varying quality and reliability. Shared files may be inaccurate, outdated, or contain misleading information. Users should exercise discretion and verify the credibility of the sources before relying on shared files for critical purposes.

Limitations: Storage Size, File Size, Sharing Restrictions

Some file sharing software providers will impose certain limitations on sharing functionality. This can be via limiting file storage space, or on the maximum size of the file you can share. Furthermore, some file sharing solutions impose further restrictions such as curtailing the number of downloads, or the number of recipients. Finally, some will impose bandwidth limitations.

At Filemail we have no such restrictions, so you can share files of any size with:

  1. Unlimited downloads
  2. Unlimited recipients
  3. Unlimited bandwidth

Dependency On Internet Connectivity

File sharing heavily relies on Internet connectivity. If the internet connection is slow, unstable, or unavailable, it can disrupt the sharing process and hinder collaboration. Users may also encounter difficulties accessing shared files when offline.

Loss Of Control Over Shared Files

When files are shared, there is a loss of control over how they are used or modified by others. In collaborative environments, it is important to establish clear guidelines and permissions to maintain control and prevent unintended modifications or deletions.

Compatibility Issues

Different file formats and software versions can lead to compatibility issues when sharing files. Users may encounter difficulties opening or editing files shared from incompatible platforms or older software versions. Compatibility challenges can disrupt workflows and require additional effort to resolve.

Privacy Concerns

When sharing files, the potential risk of privacy breaches exists, especially when sensitive or confidential information is involved. It is crucial to consider privacy implications and use secure file sharing methods, especially when sharing personal, financial, or proprietary data.

Overreliance On Third-Party Platforms

Third-party platforms or cloud storage providers provide many file sharing solutions. While convenient, this reliance on external services can present risks if the platform experiences downtime, data loss, or policy changes that impact access or privacy.

By being aware of these disadvantages and taking necessary precautions, users can mitigate risks and ensure a safer and more efficient file-sharing experience.

6. How To Choose A File Sharing Solution?

Assessing file sharing systems involves evaluating various factors to determine which solution best fits your needs in terms of security, functionality, ease of use, and scalability. Here’s a guide to help you assess different file-sharing solutions.

Define Your Requirements

Clearly outline your organization’s requirements and goals for file sharing. Consider factors such as the volume of files, number of users, security needs, integration with existing systems, and any specific features you require.

Security & Compliance

Security should be a top priority. Look for solutions that offer encryption both during file transfer and while at rest. Consider whether the solution meets industry-specific compliance standards (HIPAA, GDPR, etc.) if applicable.


A user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation are essential. The solution should be easy to use for both technical and non-technical users.

Storage Capacity

Assess the storage capacity offered by the solution. Make sure it aligns with your organization’s needs and future growth projections.

Access Control & Permissions

Check if the solution provides robust access control features. You should be able to assign different levels of permissions to users, ensuring that sensitive data is accessible only to authorized individuals.

Collaboration Features

If collaboration is important, look for features such as real-time editing, version control, commenting, and the ability to work on documents together.

Integration With Existing Systems

Consider how well the solution integrates with your current software and tools. Seamless integration can enhance productivity and reduce disruptions.


Choose a solution that can scale along with your organization’s growth. It should handle increased user and data loads without compromising performance.

Mobile Support

Check whether the solution offers native mobile applications to allow users to access and share files from smartphones and tablets. Filemail offers native file transfer apps for Android and iPhone, which are free to download and use to send large files of up to 5 GB in size.

Performance and Speed

Test the solution’s performance by uploading and downloading files of various sizes. Assess the speed of file transfers and determine if there’s any noticeable lag.

At Filemail we have globally distributed servers to speed up file transfers. Our desktop apps for both Windows and Macs use UDP Transfer Acceleration to give you blistering fast speeds, browser based solutions can’t provide.

Customer Support & Training

Consider the level of customer support provided by the solution’s provider. Look for resources like documentation, tutorials, and training to help your team get up to speed.

Cost & Pricing Model

Understand the pricing structure, including any hidden costs. Compare the solution’s pricing against its features and benefits to determine its value for your organization.

Backup & Recovery

Determine if the solution offers automatic backups and a recovery process in case of accidental data loss.

User Feedback & Reviews

Research user reviews and feedback to gain insights into the experiences of other organizations that have used the solution.

Trial Period

Whenever possible, take advantage of trial periods or free versions to test the solution’s functionality and see if it meets your needs firsthand.

Future Roadmap

Research the solution provider’s plans and updates. This can give you an idea of their commitment to improving and adapting the solution over time.

Data Ownership & Vendor Lock-in

Clarify the terms of data ownership. Ensure that you can easily migrate your data to another solution if needed, without facing vendor lock-in.
By carefully assessing these factors and comparing different file-sharing solutions, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your organization’s requirements and goals.
File sharing tips

7. 15 Tips On How To Share Files Safely & Securely

Sharing files safely and securely is essential to protect your data and sensitive information from unauthorized access or potential threats. In this section we cover various measures you can take to protect your files, such as implementing access controls, so only intended persons have access to files. Here are some guidelines to follow.

Use Secure Platforms

Choose trusted and reputable file-sharing platforms that offer encryption and security features. Cloud storage services like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Filemail, provide secure options for sharing files.

Password Protection

Use strong passwords for your accounts and enable password protection for shared files whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access.


Encrypt your files before sharing them. This ensures that even if someone intercepts the files, they won’t be able to decipher the contents without the encryption key.

Secure Links

If your file-sharing platform offers it, use secure link sharing options that require recipients to log in or use a unique link to access the files.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enable 2FA for your accounts. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification step, such as a text message code or an authentication app.

Limit Access

Only share files with the individuals who need access. Avoid making files publicly accessible unless necessary.

Expiry Dates

Set expiry dates for shared links. This ensures that the link becomes inactive after a certain period, reducing the chances of unauthorized access in the future.

Avoid Public Wi-Fi

When sharing sensitive files, avoid using public Wi-Fi networks, as they can be more vulnerable to hacking and interception. Use a secure network or a VPN for added protection.

Scan for Viruses & Malware

Before sharing any files, ensure that they are free from malware or viruses that could potentially compromise the recipient’s system.

Regular Updates

Keep your operating system, software, and security tools up to date to protect against known vulnerabilities.

Secure File Transfer Protocols

If sharing files over a network, use secure transfer protocols like SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) or HTTPS to encrypt data during transmission.

Check Permissions

Double-check the permissions and access levels you’re granting when sharing files. Make sure you’re not inadvertently giving too much access to others.

Educate Recipients

If you’re sharing files with others, educate them about the importance of cybersecurity and how to handle shared files safely.

Delete Unneeded Files

Regularly clean up and delete files that are no longer needed. This action decreases the risk of malicious access to old files.


Always keep backup copies of important files. This ensures that even if something goes wrong during the sharing process, your data is still safe.
By following these guidelines, you can significantly enhance the security of your file-sharing activities and minimize the risks associated with unauthorized access or data breaches.


In today’s interconnected world, file sharing plays a crucial role in facilitating collaboration, improving accessibility, and simplifying the exchange of information.
Understanding the different methods of file sharing, empowers users to choose the most suitable option based on their needs.
By using file-sharing technology effectively, people and groups can simplify work, boost productivity, and encourage smooth teamwork in a digital world that values shared knowledge.

Share Files Of Any Size

Unlimited Recipients, Downloads, & Bandwidth

How To Transfer Files From iPhone To PC

how to transfer files from iphone to pc

For quite a long time, finding an answer to how to transfer files from iPhone to PC has been fraught with difficulty. There is some degree of compatibility between the iPhone and PC; nevertheless, in contrast to data syncing with Mac, it is still difficult to transfer files between the iPhone and PC. There are a few different methods by which you may synchronise and transfer data between your Windows computer and your iPhone or iPad.

If you use an iPhone, familiarising yourself with these guidelines will be of great use to you anytime the iOS data transfer is required. It does not matter whether you want to move files from your iPhone to your PC or vice versa; these options will work.

Transfer Up To 5 GB For Free

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iCloud to transfer files

1. Transfer Files From iPhone To PC Using iCloud

Overall, iCloud is one of the simplest methods to transfer data between an iPhone and almost any other device, including a Windows PC. Essentially, you upload your data to iCloud and then retrieve them on another device.

Nevertheless, the free iCloud plan only provides 5GB of storage space. Therefore, if you want to utilise iCloud to transfer larger files, you must subscribe to a premium plan.
  1. Launch the Files app on your iPhone.
  2. Locate the files you want to transfer to your computer.
  3. Long-press the Copy button and touch it for individual files. To copy several files, utilise the Select option from the menu with three dots.
  4. In the app, go to iCloud Drive and paste the copied files there. Your files have been transferred to iCloud Drive.
  5. Use iCloud.com or the iCloud Drive application for Windows to download the files to your computer.

2. Transfer Files From iPhone To PC Via Bluetooth

Bluetooth is another simple technique to transfer data from iPhone to PC. However, one aspect you need to remember is that transferring data from iPhone to PC over Bluetooth is only possible for a limited number of different file formats.
Since it is so time-consuming to manually choose files for iPhone to Bluetooth file transfer, you can only transmit a small quantity of data through Bluetooth, which means you can only share a limited amount of information.
Besides, Bluetooth is by no means the most efficient method for transferring data. As a result, in the next paragraph, we will discuss yet another effective strategy.
  1. Swipe the settings panel on the iPhone’s home screen upward and press and hold the Bluetooth symbol. Permit it to connect to the computer to which you want to transmit the data.
  2. To begin the transmission, select the Windows “settings” option and then activate the Bluetooth option. Within the windows tab, the “device” option may be found. Turn on Bluetooth from there to enable the Bluetooth device to accept files.
  3. Select the files you intend to transfer from your iPhone to your computer.
  4. These files will appear in a pop-up on your computer.
MS Windows

3. Transfer Files From iPhone To PC Using File Explorer On Windows

Now in our article on how to transfer files from iPhone to PC, we’ll take a look at the most dominant and popular operating system; Windows. You may be familiar with File Explorer, the software for managing and transferring files on Windows computers. It makes it simple for you to access the files on your computer and traverse the storage space on it.
If the data you need to transfer is photos and videos from your iPhone’s camera roll, Windows File Explorer is the way to go, as it enables direct picture and video transmission from iPhone to PC through USB connection. No further software is required.
  1. File Explorer has a graphical user interface for data administration. Using a USB connection, you may connect the iPhone to a computer.
  2. Unlocking the iPhone Allow the connection to successfully establish by selecting “Trust” on your iPhone. a
  3. Navigate to “This PC” > “[the name of your iPhone]” > “Internal Storage” > “DCIM” > “100APPLE.”
  4. Your iPhone images will be neatly organised into date-based folders.
  5. You may now copy the desired photo(s) to your computer.

4. How To Transfer Files From iPhone To PC With iTunes

The primary purpose of iTunes File Sharing is to facilitate data transfer between your computer and a compatible application running on your iPhone or iPad. If you are certain that the files you wish to transfer were produced by an app compatible with File Sharing, then you may use this function to move material from an iPhone to a PC.

To transfer files from an iPhone to a PC with the help of iTunes File Sharing and USB, follow the subsequent steps:
  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer and start iTunes if it is not already running automatically.
  2. In the window for iTunes, go to the “Device” tab, and from there, pick “File Sharing.”
  3. If you wish to transfer files from one programme to another on your PC, choose that app from the list.
  4. After deciding which are files you wish to copy to the computer, choose those files and then click the “Save to” button.
  5. To begin transferring files from your iPhone to the computer, choose a place on your computer where you would want to store the files, and then click the “Save to” button.
FileMail File Sharing App

5. Transfer Files From iPhone To PC Using FileMail

You may send files from your iOS device to your computer with the help of FileMail. Sending huge films, audio files, high-quality photo collections, and collections of any other sort of media is straightforward.

The iphone file transfer application is easy to use and has a “WiFi only” option in case you want to prevent your mobile data limit from being exceeded while using the app. To get started, download and install the app on your iOS device. You can share up to 5 GB for free, with no need to register.

  1. Install the Filemail mobile application for ioS on your iPhone
  2. On your PC, either navigate to Filemail’s home page, or install the Filemail Desktop app for PC. This will enable you to get UDP transfer acceleration for faster transfer rates.
  3. Launch the FileMail application on your iPhone
  4. Sign in to your current FileMail account, or if you want, you may skip this step and use our service without paying a dime.
  5. Simply choose the items you want to send after clicking the “attach files” button.
  6. Please provide the e-mail addresses of the recipients, the message topic, and the content (optional).
  7. Click “Send”. If you have a limited mobile data, the application may inquire whether it should deliver your files by simply using WiFi connections.
  8. The process of uploading your files will now begin. When it is finished, a download link will be sent to your e-mail as soon as it is complete.
  9. Click on the link, and you will be taken to a page where the files can be downloaded. Or you can take the link into our dedicated Windows-based file transfer app for PC and download from there.
pros and cons

6. How To Transfer Files From iPhone To PC - Pros & Cons Of Different Methods

Transfer Type Pros Cons
Supports both USB and WiFi connectivity. No loss of quality incurred for files like images and videos
Not all iDevice applications support the iTunes File Sharing function. Individual and multiple files may be imported, however, folders cannot be imported
All your devices will be synchronised and updated whenever you modify a file. Compatible with non-iOS devices, however, they interact especially effectively with the Apple ecosystem. Strengthens the security of files with additional encryption layers.
Requires an Internet connection. Extra costs may be associated with uploading and downloading data If the server is overcrowded, file transfers may sometimes become slow.
Bluetooth Sharing
Very easy process to send files Accessible without internet connection
Sluggish transmission times, it can take a long while to send files Especially hard to send large files Maximum range of 100 metres, which may be insufficient for certain users
File Explorer
Easy to use and with a straightforward user interface Transfers occur within a very little timeframe.
Sometimes iPhone does not appear in Windows Explorer, preventing them from seeing iPhone images on a PC.
Users may use it without being registered, and it is free No registration is needed Data encryption makes it fast & secure to use Supports the transfer of large files fast and efficiently
You will need to have an internet connection. If wanting to share files larger than 5GB, you will need a subscription.

Transfer Files Of Any Size

Unlimited Recipients, Downloads, & Bandwidth

How To Transfer Files From iPhone To Mac

how to transfer files from iPhone to Mac

In this article we cover 6 methods you can use to transfer files from iPhone to Mac. We also provide step-by-step instructions so you can easily start moving those files from your iPhone to your Mac.

Nowadays, we use our phones for nearly everything, so they are some of the most important devices that carry our information and files. Our dependence on our phones as multi-purpose devices will inevitably lead to accumulating many files in their internal storage. Once internal storage is running low, you will think about how to transfer files from iPhone to Mac, if you are deep into the Apple ecosystem. 

Transfer Up To 5 GB For Free

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Cables to connect devices and share files

1. Transfer Files From iPhone To Mac Using Cable

Simply connecting your iPhone to your Mac is perhaps the most straightforward method for transferring files from your iPhone to your Mac or from your Mac to your iPhone. Using this approach will be rather easy if there is an available USB cable around.
  1. Connect one end of the USB cord to your iPhone and the other end to the Mac as the first step. This should create a link between the two, and you should see that both devices immediately discover each other.
  2. Click the Finder icon in the upper left corner of your Mac’s display. This action should initiate a new Finder window.
  3. You may see your iPhone listed under Devices/Locations by scrolling down the left-hand sidebar. Click the link.
  4. Pick where you want to move files to and from.
  5. If you wish to transfer files from a Mac to an iPhone through USB, just drag the file from your Desktop into the destination folder. If you want to move a file from your phone to your computer, browse to the desired folder and drag and drop the file onto your desktop.

2. Transfer Files From iPhone To Mac Wirelessly With AirDrop

You can send various sorts of files, including images, videos, places, and websites, when you use the application known as AirDrop. AirDrop is one of the fastest and most efficient methods for transferring data between an iPhone and a Mac.
AirDrop is a core component of the iOS and macOS operating systems that enables you to rapidly and effortlessly transfer files with nearby others. It utilises Bluetooth and WiFi, allowing it to function even if your devices are not connected to the Internet. AirDrop enables the transfer of images, videos, webpages, locations, and more across devices.
  1. Connect your Mac and iPhone to the same wireless network, or link your Mac and iPhone over Bluetooth.
  2. Open the file you want to transfer from your iPhone and then press the share icon.
  3. After launching “Control Center,” activate WiFi and Bluetooth on your device.
  4. Afterwards, activate AirDrop on your iPhone and Change the phone’s settings to “Everyone/Contacts Only.”
  5. On your Mac, select AirDrop by going to the “Finder” app, then click the “Go” button and turn on the AirDrop feature.
  6. Activate the “Allow to be discovered by” option on the Macbook by selecting “Contacts Only/Everyone” from the drop-down menu.
  7. On the file, locate the “Share” button and then pick the “AirDrop” option on your iPhone.
  8. Now, wait until the transmission of the files is complete.

3. Transfer Files From iPhone To Mac With iTunes

Up next in our article on how to transfer files from iPhone to Mac, we’ll take a look at iTunes. Most people still choose to utilise iTunes when transferring data from an iPhone to a computer. Nevertheless, you are only allowed to transfer to your Mac the data from those applications on your iOS device that support file sharing when using iTunes, which limits the types of files that may be transmitted.

Overall, there are two options for syncing your music, movies, photographs, contacts, calendars, and device backups through your iTunes account:

  1. USB
  2. WiFi

Synchronise iTunes Over USB

With a capable, transferring files from your iPhone to your Mac is quite easy:
  1. Open iTunes. Ensure that you have the most current version.
  2. USB-connect your iPhone to your computer. You should notice a device listed under Connected Devices in the top left corner of iTunes.
  3. Click the symbol for the device.
  4. On the left side of iTunes, choose Settings to see the sorts of material that may be synchronised.
  5. Select the desired files, then click Sync in iTunes.
  6. Select “Apply” in iTunes’ lower-right corner. It should begin synchronising automatically & from now on, your devices will sync each time you connect via USB and have iTunes open. 

Sync iTunes With WiFi

You may configure your iPhone to sync material over WiFi if you have previously validated that your PC is running the most recent version of iTunes and that your iPhone and PC are connected to the same WiFi network. This requires a lightning cord to connect the iPhone to the computer.
  1. USB-connect your iPhone to your computer.
  2. Click the Device button in the upper left corner of the iTunes app window.
  3. The Summary tab is situated under the Settings tab.
  4. Mark the box next to Sync with this device via WiFi and select Apply.
transfer files using wifi

4. Transfer Files From iPhone To Mac with iCloud

Straightforward and easy to use, iCloud Drive organises your files into their own folders is one of the service’s many strong points. Using your Apple ID, you will be able to access the data that are stored on desktops as well as iPhones.

Bear in mind that using this method calls for a reliable WiFi connection. Also, check that your iPhone and Mac are running the most recent versions of their respective OS. You may do the same thing by following these instructions.

  1. Access the Apple menu by clicking the Apple pop-up in the upper left corner of the desktop.
  2. Select Preferences System from the menu.
  3. Just go ahead and click iCloud.
  4. Sign in using the e-mail address and password associated with your Apple ID.
  5. To set up iCloud, follow the instructions on the screen.
  6. Navigate to the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
  7. Select “your name” and then iCloud from the menu that appears.
  8. Turn on iCloud Drive, which is the fourth step.
  9. Go to the Apple menu on your computer and click “System Preferences” from there.
FileMail File Sharing App

5. Transfer Files From iPhone To Mac Using FileMail

With FileMail sending large video files, audio files, photo collections of high quality, and collections of any other sort of media are simple. Our iphone file transfer app is easy to use, and has a “WiFi only” option in case you want to prevent your mobile data limit from being exceeded while using it.

If you will only be sharing files less than 5GB in size, you can do so without registering, and without needing to get a subscription. FileMail allows users to share and receive files in a very feasible manner between iPhone and Mac in a few simple steps:
  1. Download, install, and start the FileMail mobile app.
  2. Click on “Add files”.
  3. Navigate to, and attach, the desired files and/or folders.
  4. You can choose to send your files as an email or upload your files and get a shareable link.
  5. If you chose choose to “Send as email”, type in the email address of the recipient. Submit an optional message if you want to.
  6. Press the send button.
  7. The recipient will get an email, with instructions on how to download the files.
  8. If you chose to “Send as link”, after your files are uploaded, you will have received a link, which you can share with whomever you want to share the files with.
  9. The Mac user who in this example is the recipient, can use our desktop app to download the files, which will provide UDP transfer acceleration for faster speeds, and a more robust connection.
pros and cons

6. How To Transfer Files From iPhone To Mac - Exploring The Pros & Cons Of Different Solutions

Transfer Type Pros Cons
As it can automatically detect nearby receivers, there is no need to connect any devices.
Slow method with around 40 MB/s transfer rates between contemporary Mac models. AirDrop may be abused if used on a public network, so be mindful about enabling people to transmit files to your Mac via the feature.
USB Cable
Easy and straightforward to use It does not require internet connectivity to send files Very fast to send the files, even the large ones
It relies on the physical availability of the USB cable, and that both devices are in close proximity to each other.
Supports both USB and WiFi connectivity. No quality loss incurred for files like images and videos
Not all iDevice applications support the iTunes File Sharing function. Individual and multiple files may be imported, however, folders cannot be imported
All your devices will be synchronised and updated whenever you modify a file utilising cloud storage. The iCloud services are compatible with non-iOS devices, however, they interact especially effectively with the Apple ecosystem. Cloud storage providers strengthen the security of their services with additional layers.
Cloud-based file storage requires an Internet connection. The costs associated with uploading and downloading data from the cloud may accumulate. If the server is overcrowded, file transfers may sometimes become slow.
No registration is needed. Free to share files up to 5 GB. Data encryption makes it fast & secure to use Supports the transfer of large files fast and efficiently
An internet connection is required. To share files larger than 5B you will need to have a subscription.

Transfer Files Of Any Size

Unlimited Recipients, Downloads, & Bandwidth

How To Transfer Files From Mac To Mac

how to transfer files from mac to mac

In this article we cover 7 different ways to answer your question on how to transfer files from Mac to Mac. We’ll also give you step-by-setp instructions so you can start using the suggested solutions straight away.

Transferring files and folders across Apple’s many devices is made very simple in certain circumstances, by the company’s unified operating system. Therefore, if you want to share files with another Mac owner or you have just purchased a new Mac and would want to move some files from your previous laptop to the new one, this will be quite easy.

Several approaches may be used to move files from one Mac to another or to exchange data across Macs. In this article, we will provide a detailed description of the most viable avenues suitable for any type of data transfer.

Transfer Up To 5 GB For Free

No-Registration Required

migration assistant

1. Transfer Files Between Macs Using Migration Assistant

Apple’s Migration Assistant transfers all your files from your sender Mac to your destination Mac, eliminating the need to copy them manually. When your files are presently stored on a PC, you should follow the PC migration procedures instead.
  1. Launch Migration Assistant in the Utilities area of your Applications folder on your sender Mac and your destination Mac.
  2. On your sender Mac, when you are asked for permission to make modifications, input your administrator password and then click OK.
  3. When queried about how you’d like to transfer your data, pick the option of transferring from a Mac, Time Machine backup, or startup disc. Click Continue, then.
  4. If a security code appears on your sender Mac, ensure it matches the one shown on your new Mac. Click Continue afterwards.
  5. On your new Mac, Choose the information to be transferred.
  6. Select Continue to begin the transfer. Large transfers might take hours to complete, therefore, it may be most convenient to begin migration in the evening and let it run overnight.
  7. After the transfer is complete, dismiss Migration Assistant on both machines and connect to the migrated account on the new Mac to view its files.
Apple AirDrop

2. Transfer Files Between Macs With AirDrop

If both of your Macs are running Mac OS X Lion or a later version, AirDrop is one of the simplest ways to share files between them quickly, and you may utilise the function as long as both of your Macs are updated. It is not necessary to use WiFi to transport the file between the two Macs; an ad-hoc network will be built between them automatically as long as they are in close proximity to one another.

To utilise AirDrop, do the following actions inside the Finder of the Mac OS:
  1. To launch AirDrop, press Command + Shift + R on your keyboard.
  2. To transfer files to another Mac, you must first wait for that Mac to become visible before you can drag and drop the file(s) onto it.
  3. Accept the file transfer using the Mac that is receiving it.

3. Transfer Data From Mac To Mac Using iMessage

iMessage emerges as more than a mere avenue for communication: it is also useful for transferring and sharing files. You can even transfer files from your Mac to another Mac remotely through iMessage.
  1. All you need to do is launch the Messages application on your Mac. Navigate to the Messages menu under Applications.
  2. Start a new iMessage conversation. It should be addressed to the person you wish to send it to.
  3. Drag and drop your file or folder into the message box, or copy and paste your file or folder into the window.
  4. To send, just hit the return key. Your other Mac receives your file or folder when you send it to them over iMessage.
  5. After that, you can easily save it from inside iMessage by right-clicking on the attachment and selecting “Save As.”
  6. Lastly, store it in the downloads folder on their Mac.

4. Transfer Data Between Macs Via Bluetooth Sharing

Now we’ll take a look at another alternative in our article on how to transfer files from Mac to Mac, Bluetooth sharing. When two Macs are not connected to the same network, it is a practical method to transfer data between them.

  1. Prepare your sender MacBook for the exchange of files.
  2. Open Bluetooth on the destination Mac by clicking the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar or by clicking the System Preferences button, selecting Bluetooth, and ensuring that Bluetooth is turned on and the system is in Discoverable mode.
  3. After you have confirmed that the Bluetooth Sharing option is enabled for the service, go to the Finder on the host machine, choose Applications, double-click Utilities, and then double-click Bluetooth File Exchange.
  4. You may then transmit the file to the other Mac by selecting it in the Bluetooth File Exchange Finder box that later displays, clicking the Share button, and then navigating to the file you desire to send.
  5. Exchange will open when you click on the macOS Bluetooth connection window. This will allow you to access the device’s Public folder, download files from the device, and transfer files to the device.
  6. To accept the connection, on the Mac that will serve as the destination, click Connect inside the box labelled Connection Request that will display.
  7. On the host Mac, the Bluetooth connection window will get an update and indicate that the destination system is linked.
  8. On the destination Mac, a window will appear asking the recipient if they would want to accept the files that are being sent or not
  9. To save them on your Mac, click the Accept button.

5. Transfer Files From Mac To Mac Using iCloud Storage

Without a doubt, iCloud Storage might be perceived as the untraceable link that unites the various components of the Apple ecosystem. Whenever you erase a file by mistake or do not have your computer with you, you may recover it. Besides, you may access stored files on iCloud Drive at any time and from any location.

In a very convenient manner, you may synchronise the data on all of your Macbooks and other devices by using your Apple ID. However, note that you will need to turn on sync for the files you want to transmit.
  1. Launch System Preferences, then click Apple ID, and then choose iCloud.
  2. Choose all of the files that you wish to include in the sync.
  3. Use the same login information on the new Mac. 
  4. Navigate to the System Preferences menu, click Apple ID, and then click Sign in.
  5. Please enter the Apple ID and password associated with it.
  6. There is a possibility that one of the connected devices may send you a verification code.
  7. Input the secret code.
  8. Subsequently, activate iCloud and any other file storage services by going to System Preferences > Apple ID > iCloud. 
file sharing between Macs

6. Transfer Files Between Macs Using File Sharing

Using the File Sharing capability built into macOS is one of the easiest and most secure solutions to transfer files. It resides in the Sharing options and allows you to share files and various folders on your Macs with authorised users or groups on the same network. 
  1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu to launch the System Preferences window.
  2. Select the Sharing preferences section. The left side of the Sharing preferences panel contains a list of shareable services. Place a checkbox in the Share Files box.
  3. A green dot should now appear next to the words File Sharing On. The IP address appears directly underneath the text. Note the IP address since you will need it in further stages.
  4. Click the button to the right of the paragraph labelled Options. Place a checkbox in the Share files and folders with SMB and Share files and folders with AFP boxes.
  5. Your Mac is now prepared to distribute files and folders using AFP for legacy Macs and AFP for Mac OS X.
  6. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu on your Mac and click on the Sharing preference pane by clicking on it. The functions you can share are listed along the left-hand side of the Sharing choice pane. Make sure that the box labelled “File Sharing” is checked.
  7. You ought to notice a green check mark next to the text that states File Sharing On at this point. The IP address may be seen just underneath the text. Make a note of the IP address since you will need this information for later procedures.
  8. Tap the button labelled Options, located close to the right of the text. Put a tick in the box that says “Share files and folders using SMB,” as well as the box that says “Share files and folders utilising AFP.”
  9. Your Mac is now prepared to share files and folders with other computers via AFP, which is designed for older Macs.
  10. When you wish to transfer your files, you will notice the specifics of your Mac at the top of the screen, and beneath those details, you will see a name.
  11. You may provide that name to any other Mac machine on your local wireless network that you wish to be able to share access to your Mac.
  12. Place the folder or file you want to make public in the shared Public folder you configured in the Settings menu of System Preferences. Finally, the other Mac will get be able to access it!
FileMail File Sharing App

7. Transfer Files Between Macs With Filemail

Although Mac users can use our website to share files with each other, in this section, I’ll be covering FileMail Desktop for Mac. The process of sending files via our website and desktop apps is the same, so you can follow along even if you do not have the desktop app installed, or just want to use our website.

Furthermore, it does not cost anything to use FileMail if you want to share files less than 5GB in size. There is no need to register.

Furthermore, it does not cost anything to use FileMail if you want to share files less than 5GB in size. There is no need to register.

  1. Start the desktop app, or go the homepage on our website.
  2. Click on “Add files”.
  3. Navigate to, and attach, the desired files and/or folders.
  4. You can choose to send your files as an email or upload your files and get a shareable link.
  5. If you chose choose to “Send as email”, type in the email address of the recipient. Submit an optional message if you want to.
  6. Press the send button.
  7. The recipient will get an email, with instructions on how to download the files.
  8. If you chose to “Send as link”, after your files are uploaded, you will have received a link, which you can share with whomever you want to share the files with.

If you are working in a professional capacity, you will almost certainly be required to transfer files to individuals and organizations located worldwide. Filemail comes in handy in this situation. There are no difficult preparations, no QR codes to read, and no hurdles to go through. Sending a file is just as simple as sending an email message.

The Filemail Desktop app enables you to send huge files of any size, to any email address using a simple drag and drop interface. You may also upload files to a private URL to share with others. Transfers are enhanced by the Filemail UDP protocol, which makes it the quickest and most reliable method of sending huge files over the internet.

pros and cons

Exploring The Pros & Cons Of Various Methods On How To Transfer Files From Mac To Mac

Transfer Type Pros Cons
File Sharing
This is a straightforward transfer method with very fast transfer speeds As your Macs are likely already linked to a local network, setting up and enabling File Sharing may be the only modification necessary for most users.
To function, both devices must share a network.
Compared to many other options, AirDrop is quicker and more secure. Since it can automatically find receivers in close proximity, there is no need to connect any devices.
Slow approach with transfer speeds of roughly 40 MB/s between modern Mac models. It might be used maliciously if used on a public network, so be wary about allowing others to transfer files to your Mac over AirDrop.
Network Sharing
One of the most efficient methods for those who want to send files frequently
To function, both devices must share a network.
Migration Assistant
Intuitive option, which is easy to use It replicates all your files and allows you to choose which user accounts are transferred to the new Mac.
All of your files will be duplicated. If you have upgraded your Macs over the years, you may have hundreds or even thousands of obsolete files occupying space.
When using cloud storage, all your devices will be synchronised and updated whenever you make changes to a file. iCloud's services function on non-iOS devices as well, but they integrate particularly well with the Apple ecosystem. Providers of cloud storage bolster the security of their services with extra layers.
Internet connectivity is required for cloud-based file storage. Uploading and downloading data from the cloud incurs extra expenses that might add up. Sometimes the transfer of files may become sluggish if the server is overloaded.
It is free to use, and no registration is required Large files are supported Quick and straightforward transfer times
Internet connectivity is required. To share very large files a subscription is required, although a free 7-day trial is available.

Transfer Files Of Any Size

Unlimited Recipients, Downloads, & Bandwidth

How To Send Large Files With Telegram

send large files with telegram

Telegram is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. It’s simple, fast, secure, and free. Telegram has been gaining popularity lately as an alternative to more established chat applications, due to its emphasis on privacy and security. Just like with other messaging applications, you can use the app to share files, and we’ll go into how you can send large files with Telegram.

One of the best things about Telegram is that it’s very secure. Messages are encrypted using a secret sauce that’s virtually impossible to crack. In addition, Telegram is one of the few messaging apps that offer end-to-end encryption. This means that your messages are completely secure from sender to receiver.

Another great thing about Telegram is its speed. Telegram is faster than SMS, and it’s also much cheaper. Telegram uses a technology called “Data compression” which makes it very fast.
Telegram is also very simple to use. The user interface is streamlined and easy to understand. Finally, Telegram is free to use. There are no subscription fees or hidden costs. If you’re looking for a fast, secure, and simple messaging app, Telegram is a great choice. It’s available for all major platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac.

Transfer Up To 5 GB For Free

No-Registration Required

secure lock

Telegram Security Features

Telegram comes with a number of security features that make it a great choice for messaging. These features include:
  • End-to-End Encryption: Telegram messages are encrypted from end to end. This means that only the sender and recipient can read the messages. Not even Telegram can read the messages.
  • Secret Chats: Telegram offers a feature called “Secret Chats” which are encrypted chats that self-destruct after a certain amount of time.
  • Cloud-Based: Telegram messages are stored in the cloud. This means that you can access your messages from any device.
  • Open Source: Telegram is open source. This means that anyone can audit the code to make sure that there are no security holes.
  • Two-Step Verification: Telegram offers two-step verification for an extra layer of security.
  • Data Compression: Telegram uses data compression to make messages faster.
As you can see, Telegram offers a number of features that make it a great choice for messaging. It’s fast, secure, and simple to use. If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional SMS messaging, Telegram is a great choice.
sharing files

How To Share Files In Telegram

Telegram offers a number of ways to share files with your contacts. You can share files through:
  • Telegram Groups: You can share files with up to 200 people in a Telegram group.
  • Secret Chats: You can share files with one person in a secret chat. The files will self-destruct after a certain amount of time, which makes them perfect for sharing sensitive files.
  • Cloud: You can share files with anyone in your contact list. The files will be stored in the cloud and can be accessed from any device. It can be a great way to share large files with a lot of people.
  • Direct Messaging: You can also share files with people in your contact list through direct messaging, which is relatively simple.
File sharing is one of the best things about Telegram. It’s simple to do, and it offers a lot of flexibility. You can share files with groups of people, or with one person in a secret chat. You can also store files in the cloud so that they can be accessed from any device.
If you’re looking for a messaging app that offers file sharing, Telegram is a great choice. It’s simple to use, and it’s very flexible.

Telegram File Size Limits

Telegram has a limit of 2 GB per file. This is a pretty high limit, and will accommodate the sending of compressed images, documents, and things of that nature. However, if you need to send a file that’s larger than 2 GB, there is a workaround.

So, how can you share files bigger than what Telegram can handle? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular methods.

1. Splitting Files Into Multiple Parts

If you have a file that’s larger than 2 GB, you can split it into multiple parts and send it through Telegram. This is relatively simple to do, and it’s a popular workaround for larger files.
So, how can you split your files into multiple parts? There are a few different ways to do it. You can use a file splitter like HJSplit or 7-Zip. Or, you can use a file compression tool like WinRAR or WinZip to compress your files into smaller parts.
Once you have split your files into multiple parts, you can send them through Telegram. This method might take a bit of work, but it’s a good way to send large files through the app.

2. Compressing Files

Another popular workaround for Telegram’s file size limit is to compress your files. This can be done with a file compression tool like WinRAR or WinZip.
You can easily compress your files to make them smaller. Just open the file in WinRAR or WinZip and select “Add to archive.” Then, choose a compression level and click “OK”.
Your files will now be compressed and ready to send through Telegram. Just make sure that the total size of all the files doesn’t exceed 2 GB and you’ll be good to go.
multi-platform apps

3. Using Cloud-Based File Sharing Solutions Such As Filemail

If you need to share a file that’s larger than 2 GB, you can always use a cloud-based file sharing service, which is a popular workaround.
Simply upload your file to the service, and then share the link with your contacts. They’ll be able to download the file directly from the service.
There are a lot of different cloud-based file-sharing services available, so you should be able to find one that meets your needs. Filemail is one of the most popular services that allows you to share large files, and it’s very easy to use.
Filemail is a free service that allows you to send large files without hassle. It’s simple to use, and it offers a lot of features. Filemail offers 4 different plans, so you can choose the one that fits your needs. The free plan allows you to send files up to 5 GB, which is more than enough for most people.
You can easily share large files by using email or a secure link with peace of mind. Filemail comes with a number of features, which include:
1. Secure file transfers
Data security is a big concern for many people. When you’re sharing sensitive files, you want to make sure that they’re protected. Filemail uses SSL/TLS encryption to protect your data in transit. This means that your data will be safe from eavesdroppers.
2. Track your shared files
With Filemail, you can easily track your shared files. This is a great feature if you need to keep track of a file’s status or if you need to verify that the file was received.
3. Fast Transfers
Filemail uses a custom-made UDP transfer acceleration protocol. This helps to make sure that your files are transferred quickly, even if they’re large.
4. Privacy Compliant
Filemail allows you to choose what region to store your files in. With this feature, you can easily comply with national regulations and your company policy.
5. Website Integration
Filemail can easily be integrated into your website with just a single line of HTML code. This feature allows you to receive large files from your customers directly on your website.
6. Customization and Branding
If you want, you can customize Filemail to match your brand. This is a great way to make sure that your file-sharing solution fits in with your company’s image.
Overall, Filemail is a great choice for those who need to share large files. It’s simple to use, and it offers a lot of features. The security and compliance features are also top-notch, which is something that many people will appreciate. Try Filemail today and see how it can help you share files quickly and easily.


Telegram is a great messaging app that offers a lot of flexibility. You can share files with groups of people, or with one person in a private chat. Telegram also offers a number of different ways to share files, including file sharing through the cloud, compressing files, and splitting files into multiple parts.
If you need to share a file that’s smaller than 2 GB, you can use one of the methods mentioned above. However, if you need to send large files, cloud-based file-sharing services are the best way to go. Filemail offers a number of features that make it stand out from the crowd so make sure you give it a try.

Transfer Files Of Any Size

Professional, Business, & Enterprise Plans Available

Ways To Backup Computer Files

ways to backup computer files
Most individuals and organizations understand the critical nature of backup and recovery when safeguarding digital assets from deletion, corruption, virus, and other dangers. That is why backup is considered the last line of defence. Overall, there are multiple ways to backup computer files, which will be further explored.

Send Up To 5 GB For Free

No-Registration Required

backing up data

Introduction: What Is File Backup?

In essence, a file backup protects against significant data loss due to accidents or human mistakes. Backup writes file system backups in the backup file format, while restore reads file system backups, handled by different commands.
Creating a file backup involves storing copies of your critical system and personal information on a hard disk or an external backup or flash drive, among other storage options. It is vital to create backups of your data as part of routine computer maintenance to secure your information in the case of a system failure or file damage.
The options available for backing up or preserving your data and digital files are quite diverse. We looked at the most popular data storage devices utilized by individuals for backup and archiving, keeping in mind that everyone’s requirements are different and that there is no one-size-fits-all option.
digital media

Types Of Things People Want To Backup

In general, files that you have generated are the kind of files that you should keep backed up. As you are aware, data loss is a regular occurrence. It is possible that your hard disk will get damaged at some point. Files may also be lost due to virus infection, ransomware attack, Windows update, power loss, and some other factors. Hence, file backup is critical to prevent data loss.

Various Projects

If you undertake any creative work, such as programming, video editing, or photography, please be sure to back up your data, particularly if you are working on a project that is currently in progress.


By default, downloaded files are stored in the computer’s Downloads folder. Most online browsers and many programs for downloading media choose this folder as the default location for downloads.
While you may wish to first wipe out large downloads that you no longer want, it is good to create a backup of this folder as a precaution. When you have a software installation or PDF that you downloaded months ago, you never know when you may need it.


Keeping a backup of all of your apps may also be a good idea. This makes reinstallation during a catastrophe recovery process simpler. Because of this, it is advisable that you put any new applications you download and install from the Internet into a dedicated folder that is automatically backed up as part of your regular backup procedure.

Favourites or bookmarks on your internet browser

The location where your bookmarks (also known as favourites) are kept may differ depending on the Internet browser you are currently using. For example, Internet Explorer may keep your bookmarks in the Favourites folder in your user account folder if you are using Windows. Other browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox the Sync function, which allows you to sync your browser’s settings (including bookmarks) across various devices.
external device

Manual Backup

With a manual backup, you must begin the backup process each time you wish to back up your data. It is for individuals who desire to take control of their own destiny. That is, you manually backup your website whenever you deem it essential.
You will need to decide which files you want to be backed up, where you want them backed up to, and how often you want them saved up. That requires time, which you may not have.
Based on the services you choose, precise instructions and methods for backing up the website may vary. Another method of manual backup is to download and create backups of all your files and data manually.

Automatic Backup

Automatic backup represents a form of data backup paradigm in which data is backed up and stored from a local network/system to a backup facility with little or no human involvement. Automating the backup process eliminates the time and complexity associated with backing up a computer, network, or information technology environment manually.
Since time is one of the most valuable resources available today, the fact that automated backups are time-saving is noteworthy and should be brought to your attention. Nothing more than planning your calendar in advance once is required; the system will take care of everything else for you!
Furthermore, security concerns are just as important as speed when it comes to online transactions. The provider you choose to do automatic backups is responsible for preserving the security of your backed-up data: this includes safeguarding your site from potential hacker assaults, software failures, and other exploitation of security flaws.
storage device

Method 1: External Physical Storage Device

It could not get any simpler than this: just connect an external storage device to your computer and begin. Naturally, drives exist in a wide variety of forms, sizes, and combinations. A basic drive will not cost much, but it will do nothing more than sit and wait for you to do the job. Almost all drives currently use high-speed USB-A 3.0 or USB-C interfaces.
External hard drives, SD cards, and flash drives are all examples of physical storage. This sort of storage device enables users to view their files without an internet connection and to transfer their data by physically delivering their files to a supervisor or family member, certain that nobody else will be able to meddle with the data.

Nonetheless, the concern with external devices is that they may suffer some form  of physical damage, or get misplaced. 

disk image cloning

Method 2: Disk Image Cloning

Cloning your hard disk or particular partitions of your hard drive is one common way to back up your computer. This generates an identical, uncompressed clone of your full drive or partitions of your drive.
An image is a copy of all of your data – every file and folder, as well as the applications and system files – is created by taking a snapshot of your hard disk at a certain point in time. When a clone or image is utilised for restoration, it overwrites the present framework, and the hard drive returns to the condition it was in at the time of the backup or cloning.
The fact that disk clones are uncompressed means that they may be copied instantaneously to a destination backup drive or the cloud, ensuring that you always have an up-to-date, identical copy of your data.
With backups, cloning is helpful for quick recovery, however, imaging provides you with a greater number of backup possibilities. Taking an incremental backup snapshot allows you to preserve several photos without worrying about taking up a lot of additional space.
When you become a victim of ransomware or another data calamity and need to restore your system to a previous disk image, this is very crucial to remember.
multi-platform apps

Method 3: Using Online Cloud-Based Solution

Nowadays, we can confidently say that we live in the age of the cloud. Online backup, which was formerly considered a specialist service, is now regarded as standard practice for crucial information. It has become one of the most viable ways to back up your computer files!
Cloud backup, sometimes referred to as online backup or remote backup, is a technique for transferring a duplicate of a physical or virtual file or database to a secondary, off-site destination for preservation in the case of equipment failure or a natural disaster.
Typically, the secondary server and data storage structures are hosted by a third-party service provider, charging the backup customer based on the amount of storage space or capacity used, the amount of data transmitted, the number of customers, the number of servers, or the number of times data is made available.
You can choose between synchronization software that will automatically backup your files into the cloud, or you can manually do so.
The synchronization software, which is essential for everyone who uses more than one computer or device, guarantees that you preserve the same files on all of your computers. Furthermore, they are also generally available from mobile devices.
When you modify a file, the change is automatically communicated to all of the other PCs that are connected to the account, even those running different operating systems. It is the pinnacle of redundancy at its finest.
Ultimately, cloud storage allows users to share and access data from anywhere around the globe, without having to physically visit their on-premises storage systems. Overall, cloud storage stores information on remote servers, from which it may be remotely maintained and controlled, as well as backed and retrieved.

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Fast Secure File Transfer

Why Email Is Not Secure

email is not secure
We’ve all heard the horror stories about email security – from hacked emails to phishing schemes – and it’s easy to see why many people believe that email is not a secure communications medium. However when you dig deeper you will come across more issues that reinforce why email is not secure.

Despite the security concerns, email, with over 4 billion users, still remains one of the most popular methods of communication today. According to the yearly report carried out by the Radicati Group, the total number of business and consumer emails sent and received on a daily basis is over 319 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow to over 376 million by the end of 2025.

But is email really as insecure as certain information suggests? The answer is both yes and no. Email is certainly not as secure as some other communications methods, such as private messaging apps or secure email services.

However, with a little bit of caution and common sense, email can still be a relatively safe way to communicate. Just don’t use it to send confidential files.

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Issues with Email Security

There are a number of reasons why email is not as secure as some other communications methods. Firstly, email is not encrypted, which means that any information sent via email is not protected from being intercepted by third-party attackers.
Email is a ‘broadcast’ communication medium, which means that any email sent to a large number of recipients is likely to be read by someone other than the intended recipient. It’s also very easy for someone to create a fake email account and pose as another person, which can be used to scam or phish people.
Another issue with email security is that it is often easy for attackers to send fake emails (known as ‘phishing’ attacks) which appear to be from a trusted source, such as a friend or colleague. These emails often contain links to malicious websites or attachments which can infect your computer with malware.
Additionally, many email servers are not secure, meaning that your email messages can be easily intercepted and read by third-party attackers. This is particularly true for public email servers, such as Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, and Hotmail. It’s also worth noting that email providers can (and do) access your emails in order to deliver targeted ads.
To sum it all up, the dangers of email include:
  • Email is not encrypted, so any information sent via email is not protected from being intercepted by third-party attackers.
  • Email is a ‘broadcast’ communication medium, which means that any email sent to a large number of recipients is likely to be read by someone other than the intended recipient.
  • It’s very easy for someone to create a fake email account and pose as another person, which can be used to scam or phish people.
  • Email messages can be easily intercepted and read by third-party attackers.
  • Your email messages may be accessed by your email provider in order to deliver targeted ads.
dont send confidential files

Types of Things You Should Not Send Using Email

There are a number of things that you should not send using email, as they are considered to be high-risk. It can be a bit difficult to know what these things are, as the line between what is and is not considered to be high-risk changes depending on the context.
Email is not a secure way to send sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or bank account details. If you need to send confidential information, you should use a secure messaging app or encrypted email service.

You should avoid sending high-resolution images or large files via email, as these can easily be intercepted and stolen by third-party attackers. It’s also a good idea to avoid sending sensitive information over email attachments, as these can easily be opened by someone other than the intended recipient.

It’s not a good idea to share your personal or financial information via email, as this information can be easily stolen by scammers and identity thieves. You should also be wary of clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown email addresses, as these can often contain malware or viruses.
You should also avoid using email to communicate with people you don’t know. Email is not a secure way to communicate with strangers, as it’s easy for scammers and phishers to send fake emails which appear to be from a trusted source.
Educating yourself about the dangers of email and taking a few simple precautions can help to reduce the risk of your emails being intercepted or compromised. So, next time you’re about to hit ‘send’, stop and ask yourself: is this email really secure?

Secure Alternatives to Send Confidential Documents

Sending confidential documents via email is not a secure process, as your information can be easily intercepted and read by third-party attackers. You should never send confidential documents via email, as they can be easily stolen by scammers and identity thieves.
If you need to send confidential documents, there are a number of secure alternatives to email which you can use. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

1. Private Messaging Apps

communication apps
Private messaging apps, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Signal, are a great way to securely communicate with friends and colleagues. These apps use end-to-end encryption, which means that your messages are encrypted and can only be read by the intended recipient.
Pros Cons
Messages are encrypted and cannot be read by third-party attackers
Not all apps offer end-to-end encryption
Many apps offer a high level of security and privacy
Some apps are not as secure as others
File size limits mean you can't send large files

2. Secure Email Services

Secure email services, such as ProtonMail and Tutanota, offer a high level of security and privacy. These services use end-to-end encryption, which means that your messages are encrypted and can only be read by the intended recipient.
Pros Cons
Messages are encrypted and cannot be read by third-party attackers
Not all apps offer end-to-end encryption
Many apps offer a high level of security and privacy
Some apps are not as secure as others
File attachment size limits mean you can't send large files

3. File Encryption Programs

File encryption programs, such as VeraCrypt and BitLocker, are a great way to securely store sensitive files. These programs use strong encryption algorithms, which means that your files are protected from third-party attackers.
Pros Cons
Files are encrypted and cannot be read by third-party attackers
Programs may not be available on all platforms
Programs are easy to use if technically competent
File encryption programs can be complex and difficult to use for some people

4. USB Sticks

pen usb drive
USB sticks are a great way to securely store sensitive files. USB sticks can be encrypted, which means that your files are protected from third-party attackers.
Pros Cons
USB sticks are portable and can be taken with you wherever you go
USB sticks can be lost or stolen
USB sticks are easy to use
Not all USB sticks are encrypted
USB sticks typically have relatively small storage capacity

5. Cloud Storage Services

multi-platform apps
Cloud storage services, such as iCloud, Google Drive, and DropBox, are a great way to securely store your files. These services use strong encryption algorithms, which means that your files are protected from third-party attackers.
Pros Cons
Files are encrypted and cannot be read by third-party attackers
Not all services offer end-to-end encryption
Many services offer a high level of security and privacy
Some services are not as secure as others
Will need a paid subscription to send very large files

6. Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Network-attached storage (NAS) is a great way to securely store your files. NAS devices are similar to USB sticks, but they offer a number of advantages, such as the ability to share files with other users and the ability to back up your files.
Pros Cons
Files are encrypted and cannot be read by third-party attackers
NAS devices can be lost or stolen
NAS devices are portable and can be taken with you wherever you go
Not all NAS devices are encrypted
NAS devices are easy to use


Email is not a secure way to send confidential documents. It’s not always easy to send confidential documents through email, and there is a risk that your documents could be read by third-party attackers. Being knowledgeable about the various secure alternatives to email can help you keep your confidential documents safe.
If you need to send confidential documents, there are a number of secure alternatives to email which you can use. It is important to do thorough research before selecting the right alternative for you. Make sure to choose a service that is secure and offers a high level of privacy.

Send Large Files Of Any Size

Share Confidential Documents In A Secure Manner

How To Send Large Files Through Outlook

how to send large files using outlook

Do you find yourself dealing with huge files on a regular basis? Then there is a good probability you’ve run into difficulties with transferring them across e-mail. Trying to figure out how to send large files through Outlook, and other email clients, will gobble up hours of your time.

Large files may be difficult to transfer when you don’t have the necessary tools. This is true whether you’re sending a promotional film to a customer or sending a large dataset to a team member. However, this should not be a big hurdle, since there are a variety of methods available for sending huge e-mail attachments over e-mail.

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What Is Outlook’s File Size Limit?

Has you ever attempted to send a file to someone only to be told that the file was too large by their e-mail service provider? Unfortunately, it is a frequent and irritating issue.

 The size of file attachments is often limited by e-mail providers and software. If you attempt to send huge files over Outlook e-mail, you may have difficulties. This is due to the fact that the default Outlook file size restriction is 100 MB.

Issues When Using Outlook To Send Large Files

You could be perplexed as to why you are unable to transmit huge files from the outset. Sending huge files over e-mail may cause the server to slow down and take up excessive space in the e-mail provider’s database.
Having this restriction for the file size stops your computer from repeatedly attempting to upload very big files that surpass the upload thresholds of the majority of Internet service providers (ISPs).
The default combined file size limit for Internet e-mail accounts, such as Outlook, is 20 megabytes (MB), but the default combined file size limit for Exchange accounts (business e-mail) is 10 megabytes (MB) Any attempts to attach files that are greater than the maximum size restriction will result in an error notice.
step by step

How To Send Large Files Through Outlook Step-By-Step

Sending attachments with Microsoft Outlook e-mail is a straightforward method to transmit files to others, whether you’re sending images, reports, or other documents. Every time you opt to attach a file to an e-mail message, Outlook maintains note of the files that you have worked on lately and proposes them to you whenever you do so.
You may attach files from your PC, OneDrive, or other storage accounts to e-mail messages and calendar events and share them with other people using the Attach File feature. Adding images to your e-mail messages and calendar events is also an option.
Moving forward, we will explore two options that might allow users to send large files: OneDrive and Filemail.

1.Send Large Files Through OneDrive

OneDrive represents a viable option to send large files, being a popular cloud storage option offered by Microsoft, is a good start. As a reminder, if you have a free Outlook account, you will automatically get 15 GB of storage space on your OneDrive.
More capacity may be obtained by subscribing to a plan, with a maximum of 1 TB of storage space being made available to you. Users of Outlook who need to transmit huge files might utilize OneDrive as a convenient alternative. Take note that you must first save your file to OneDrive for Business before you may share it with someone else.
It is possible to share a file with other teammates as long as they are logged into their company’s Office 365 account. They will then be able to see the document using any link you may provide to them.
It is also worth noting that, since you have shared the item with anybody in your organization, it will show in each individual’s OneDrive under the Shared > Shared with me folder. Consequently, everyone in the organization will be able to access the file from wherever it is surfaced inside the Office 365 environment, for example, if someone searches for it.
1. Go to the OneDrive website and sign in using your Microsoft account information (or your work or school account).
2. Click the circle in the top right-hand corner of the item you wish to share to open it in a new window. Following your entry into the OneDrive interface, you will see choices to upload a new file or folder to your account.
3. Select the option to upload files. The Share button may be found towards the top of every page on the website.
While you could upload an entire folder of files in this circumstance, you would probably want to use the file tab in this instance. A cycle of file uploads will commence on OneDrive. Ultimately, depending on the quality of your internet connection and file size, the uploading process might take from several minutes up to a couple of hours.
4. Select whether or not you want individuals you share the file with to be allowed to alter it by clicking on the pencil symbol and selecting Edit or View. Individuals who have access to the file or folder will get an e-mail with a link to it. Upon receiving information that the document has been seen by the intended recipient, you will be sent an e-mail confirmation.
If you want to allow others to be able to change the file after it has been posted, specify whether they may do so. Change permissions and determine what you want to do with the file you just shared by clicking on the Change permissions button. It is possible to choose one of two choices.
multi-platform apps

Send Large Files Through Outlook Using Filemail

Filemail represents one of the quickest and most convenient methods of sending large files to others. Filemail is a web-based platform that includes a number of applications and services that allow users to send and receive huge files of any size from anywhere in the world. The user-friendly apps and lightning-fast cloud architecture make it possible to transport massive files from any device in record time.

When you use the Filemail Outlook Add-in, you can transfer huge files straight from Outlook 2013/2016/2019 by utilizing Filemail. Attach files in the same way you would normally do them in Outlook, and then click Send. The attachments are deleted from the e-mail and uploaded to our servers instead, resulting in a smaller and more deliverable e-mail for the recipient.

The only restrictions on Filemal are associated with the free, no-account-required service is that you may upload an unlimited number of files, but they must not amount to more than 5 GB in total size each upload session in order to be considered free. In a 24-hour period, you are permitted two transfer sessions. All of the subscription plans provide you unlimited upload sessions, and you may upload files of any size, no matter how large they are.
In addition, there are no download restrictions to worry about. It is possible for you to share files with others, and for those others to download those files as many times as they like from your shared folder.
You have complete control over how you upload files to Filemail. Use a web browser, one of the Filemail desktop applications, iOS application, or even Android application.
1. Select a file or folder

Choose the files you wish to upload from your computer’s hard drive. Alternatively, you may just drag & drop your files. You can choose to submit the email address of people you want to share the files with. 

2. Upload your files

We’ll begin uploading the files as soon as you click on Send. Your files are safe because they are protected by end-to-end encryption and a secure file hosting system.

3. People download your files

After completing the upload, Filemail will store your data in the cloud.  People you emailed in step 1 can download the files. You can also distribute a direct link to your uploaded files with others.

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Start Sharing Files Directly From Outlook

How To Share Large Files Over The Internet

how to share large files over the internet

We all know the struggle of trying to figure out how to share large files over the internet. Whether it’s a document, photo, or video, the process of getting it from one computer to another can be frustratingly slow. But with the right tools, it doesn’t have to be.

Doing a quick Google search for “how to share large files over the internet” will give you a plethora of options. But not all of them are created equal. Some services are better for sending small files, while others are designed for larger ones.
There are a number of ways to share large files over the internet, but not all of them are created equal. In this article, we’ll explore a few of the most popular methods to share large files and discuss the pros and cons of each. Let’s get started!

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Compress Files

Before you send any files, it’s important to make sure they’re as compressed as possible. This will help reduce the amount of time it takes to send them and also save you some bandwidth.
There are a number of ways to compress files, but the most popular is probably ZIP compression. This is the format that most file compression tools use, including WinZip and 7-Zip.
It’s fairly easy to compress files using compression software like WinZip or 7zip. Just select the files you want to compress, right-click on them, and choose the “Compress” option. This will create a new compressed file that’s smaller in size and takes less time to send. The file will be saved as a ZIP file, which you can then send over the internet.

Email To Send Large Files

The most common way to send files over the internet is by email. This is a quick and easy method that doesn’t require any special software or tools. Email also has the advantage of being universally supported, so almost everyone can use it.

To send files via email, just attach it to an email message and send it to the recipient. They can then open the attachment and save the file to their computer. It’s as easy as that!

The downside of email is that it can be slow and unreliable, especially if the file is large. Email servers can also be overloaded, which can cause the file to take a long time to download. Additionally, email is a good option for small files, but it’s not ideal for larger files. The maximum size for an email attachment is usually around 25MB, which may not be enough for larger files.
pen usb drive

Use a Pen-Drive / USB Drive

If you need to send a file that’s larger than 25MB, you can use a pen drive or USB drive. This is a physical device that you can use to store and transfer files between computers.
USB drives come in a variety of sizes, from 1GB to 128GB. They’re also relatively cheap, which makes them a good option for transferring large files. However, they can be inconvenient if you’re not near a computer with a USB port.
To send a file using a USB drive, first copy the file to the drive. Then, insert the drive into the recipient’s computer and open it. The file will be saved to the computer’s hard drive.
The downside of using a USB drive is that it can be difficult to find someone who has one. Additionally, not everyone has a USB drive, which means that not everyone can receive files this way. So, if you’re looking for a way to send files to a wider audience, USB drives may not be the best option.
external drive

External Hard Drive To Share Large Files

Another option for sending large files is to use an external drive. This is a physical device that plugs into the recipient’s computer and can be used to store and transfer files.
External drives come in a variety of sizes, from a few gigabytes up to several terabytes. They can also be expensive, depending on the size and type you choose. It’s also important to make sure that the external drive is compatible with the recipient’s computer.
To send a file using an external drive, first copy the file to the drive. Then, unplug the drive from your computer and plug it into the recipient’s computer. The file will be saved to the computer’s hard drive.
The downside of using an external drive is that it can be difficult to find someone who has one. Additionally, not everyone has an external drive, which means that not everyone can receive files this way.
server room


If you need to send a file that’s larger than 25MB, and the recipient doesn’t have a USB drive or external drive, you can use FTP. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and it’s a way to transfer files between computers.
To send a file using FTP, you first need to find an FTP server. This is a computer that’s specifically set up to store and share files. The most popular FTP server is FileZilla, which you can download for free.
Once you have the FTP server installed, you can open it and create a new connection. In the Connect to Server window, enter the address of the FTP server and click Connect. The username and password fields will be automatically filled in.
Next, navigate to the folder where the file is stored. Drag the file from the local window to the remote window, and click Upload. The file will be transferred to the FTP server and saved in the designated folder.
The downside of using FTP is that it can be difficult to find an FTP server. Additionally, not everyone knows how to use FTP, which means that not everyone can receive files this way.
cloud computing

Cloud-Based File-Sharing Services

Cloud-based file-sharing services are another option for sending large files. These services allow you to upload files to the internet and share them with other people.

They’re easy to use, and most of them have a free tier that allows you to send files up to a certain size. The most popular cloud-based file-sharing services are Google Drive, iCloud, and DropBox.
So, how do cloud-based file-sharing services work?
Basically, you create an account with the service and then upload the files that you want to share. The files are stored on the service’s server, and you can then share them with other people by sending them a link. This link can be used to download the files, or they can be streamed online.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using cloud-based file-sharing services.
First, not all of these services are free. Some of them require a paid subscription in order to use the service. Second, the files that you upload to these services are often stored in a public folder. This means that anyone who has access to the link can download the files. Finally, the file-sharing service can go offline or experience other technical difficulties, which means that the files may not be accessible.
To send a file using a cloud-based file-sharing service, first upload the file to the service. Then, open the service and share the file with the recipient. They will be able to download the file and save it to their computer.
The downside of cloud-based file-sharing services is that they can be slow and unreliable. Additionally, not everyone has a subscription to these services, which means that not everyone can receive files this way.


multi-platform apps

Filemail is the perfect solution for individuals and businesses of all sizes looking for a secure way to transfer huge files. Filemail has made a name for itself for its ease of use, fast transfer speeds, generous storage space, and secure compliant data handling.

With Filemail, there is no size limit for sending files. This means that you can send files of any size, without having to worry about exceeding a limit. Filemail offers two-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption, which ensures that your files are safe and secure. Additionally, Filemail also comes with a virus scanning feature, which scans all files for viruses before they’re sent. Make sure to check out Filemail for your next large file transfer!


Sending large files over the internet can be a challenge, but there are several options available. The most popular methods include compressing files, using email, a USD drive, an external drive, FTP, or a cloud-based file-sharing service. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that best suits your needs.
Make sure to do thorough research before selecting a method, as this will help ensure successful file transfers. It’s also important to keep in mind the file size, as some methods may not be suitable for larger files.
Finally, remember that the best way to send large files is to use a combination of methods. This will help ensure that the file is delivered successfully, regardless of the internet connection speed or file size. Happy sending!

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How Much Is 1TB Of Data Storage

data storage

We utilize our digital devices for various activities, including surfing the internet, listening to music, viewing films and videos, chatting with friends and family through social media, and calling friends and family. You’d be astonished at how much data your PC or smartphone consumes! But, how much data do these devices, and by extension you, use? How much can they store?

You’ll read about things like megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), and terabytes (TB), but what do they equate to in terms of real world applicability? How much is 1TB of data storage, and what can you really store with it?

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data on computer

Specifying Data Units

A computer’s memory is defined as any physical device capable of storing data, regardless of its size or duration. File sizes are frequently expressed in kilobytes, since most files comprise thousands of bytes.

Megabytes are used to describe larger files, such as photos, films, and audio files, which include millions of bytes. Since modern storage devices can hold hundreds of these files, storage capacity is often defined as gigabytes or even terabytes.

Larger units of measurement are typically allocated for calculating the capacity of many storage devices or big data storage networks.

The maximum size of files that may be kept on your PC or mobile device is specified in KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), GB (gigabytes), or TB (terabytes). As technology advances, mobile devices must cope with greater and larger files, making data storage capacity a critical consideration in the future.

1 Byte = 8 bits*, which might be eight 1’s or 0’s, are included in a single byte. This octet of bits represents the smallest regular unit in the data storage system.

1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1,024 bytes, the files that do not need the kilo prefix are the dull ones, such as word documents, excel spreadsheets, and the majority of images.

1 Megabyte (MB) =  1024 KB. 1 MB is usually used for listening to music and short videos. Even the old floppy disc is capable of storing a large number of them.

1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1,024 MB. The GB is rapidly becoming the standard unit of storage capacity, since most computer hardware manufacturers advertise capacity in GB’s.

1 terabyte (TB) = 1,024 GB. Currently, the most common way to measure the size of a regular hard drive is with TB.


How Much Is 10GB?

According to Ofcom, the typical consumer consumes around 2.9 GB of data each month, a figure that is increasing year after year as technology advances. That suggests that 10 GB is more than likely plenty for the typical smartphone user. However, this is largely dependent on how you use your phone. For instance, if you like streaming movies and playing online games, you’ll want to consider higher data allocations.

How Much Is 100GB?

If you depend primarily on mobile data rather than Wi-Fi, you may want to explore high-capacity plans, such as 100 GB. Each month, 100 GB is a sizable piece of data to have access to. It is commonly regarded as the closest thing to an unlimited data plan available without going that last step.

How Much Is 1TB Of Data Storage?

Since the era of 1.44 MB floppy drives, data storage technology has advanced significantly. A terabyte of storage (1,024 GB) is often found on laptops, desktop computers, and game consoles, among other things. Nowadays, 1 TB of storage is equivalent to around 16 (64 GB) iPhones or Samsung Galaxy smartphones.
1 TB is also about equivalent to four (256 GB) Windows or MacBook laptops—and system software consumes some storage space. Additionally, individual external hard drives typically start at 1 TB in capacity and go up to 32 TB.

How Can You Use 1 TB Of Internet Data?

In order to use 1 TB of data in a month, you would need to stream around 171 hours of 4K video. That’s the equivalent of streaming 6 hours of 4K video every day for a month, at a rate of 6 hours per day. If you are concerned about data use, you should make efforts to control it more proactively.

1 TB offers you the option of storing the following information:

  • Send or receive 200 emails each day (6,200 emails overall in a month)
  • Listening 5 hours of music per day (155 hours total in a month), and do other things
  • 5 hours of online surfing per day (155 hours total per month)
  • 10 hours of HD video streaming per day (310 hours total per month)
  • 256 photographs shot on a 12 MP camera;
  • 250 movies or 500 hours of high-definition video;
  • 6.5 million document pages, which are usually kept as Office files, PDFs, and presentations – this amount is equivalent to 1,300 real file cabinets!
cloud storage

Introducing Cloud Storage

Cloud storage enables users to exchange and access data remotely, without requiring access to their on-premises storage systems. Overall, cloud storage retains data on distant servers, from which it may be remotely maintained, managed, backed up, and accessed. 

Cloud-based data is available from any device at any time, provided that the appropriate permissions are in place. Despite its ease of access, cloud-based data storage is incredibly secure.

Transferring data offsite for storage places the duty of data storage on the shoulders of a third-party cloud provider. The service provider hosts, protects, manages, and preserves the servers and related infrastructure, ensuring that you have access to your data whenever you need it.

 The service provider does not charge a fee for this service. The plethora of benefits associated with cloud storage are scrutinized further.


Cloud storage providers enhance the security of their services by including extra levels of security. In the face of the large number of individuals who have information saved on the internet, cloud storage services go to great efforts to ensure that your files are not accessible by anybody who shouldn’t.

Once the data has been sent across the internet, it is protected by encryption technology. This guarantees that the greatest levels of security are maintained at all times.


When you utilise cloud storage, your data is kept on the cloud provider’s servers and is accessible over the internet. Since the cloud provider’s application may be installed on many devices, such as your corporate computer or smartphone, you can gain access to your data at any time and from any location.

It has never been simpler to sign in and collaborate with other team members. Additionally, the app guarantees that your files are synced, ensuring that team members always have access to the most recent version from their preferred device.

Service Capability

You pay for cloud storage on a per-user basis. You are not required to forecast your annual storage requirements and incur the risk of paying for wasted space or running out. You may customise the resources accessible to you via cloud storage providers and pay for them according to your current demands, which might vary over time.

Enhanced Collaboration

When teams share data and tools, they can collaborate more effectively. Collaboration, as shown by research, results in superior outcomes. That is because partnership blends the distinct skills of several individuals into a common endeavour.
It produces better ideas by incorporating the many viewpoints of people and organisations with varying backgrounds, specialities, and modes of thought. Increased cooperation results in more innovative ideas because it incorporates the numerous viewpoints of people and organisations with varying experiences, knowledge, and modes of thought.

Enhanced Collaboration

Transitioning from the familiarity of local disk storage to cloud storage may be a difficult process, but it is becoming more and more common every day. There are several advantages to using cloud storage versus local disk storage. Moving forward, cloud storage represents one of the most viable opportunities for those looking for a secure, accessible method of storing data.

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Top 5 FTP Alternatives For Secure File Transfers


The File Transfer Protocol is one of the most common protocols used today to transfer files over the internet. On many occasions, FTP has proven itself to be simple, efficient, and reliable. However, there are times when FTP is not the optimal solution. When security, speed, or just data integrity are paramount, an alternative to FTP must be considered. In this article, we’ll cover five FTP alternatives that offer a more secure means of exchanging files over the internet.

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What Is FTP?

FTP is a protocol that allows users to upload and download files over the internet. It was first developed in 1971, making it one of the earliest protocols used for internet file transfers.
The protocol broke into the scene with a bang, supporting file transfers of an impressive 1.1 million bits per second. Initially, only text files could be transferred in this way, but soon users were able to upload and download both text and binary files.
FTP uses a client-server model to send files. The FTP client initiates the connection with an FTP server, negotiates authentication details, sends commands to the server, and receives responses from the server. The protocol also supports active and passive modes for transferring files and file management tasks like directory listing and deletion.
With FTP, each command sent to the server is responded to with a numerical response code. The codes are meant to indicate the status of the command, so users can quickly determine if the action requested by the command was successful.
need for ftp alternative

Why You Need An FTP Alternative

Today, there are many ways to transfer files over the internet, but FTP is still one of the most common protocols in use. It’s simple, efficient, and straightforward to use. In many ways, it’s a reliable protocol for file transfers.
However, FTP also has its downfalls. First, because FTP reveals so much information about what file is being transferred and who is transferring it, the protocol doesn’t offer any built-in way to encrypt the connection between the client and server. This means that FTP traffic is vulnerable to packet sniffing and other attacks because it’s sent in plain text.
Second, the FTP protocol employs an outdated user-password scheme for authenticating users to the server. This means that if your username and password get compromised, your FTP account will be hacked.
Third, the protocol is slow and inefficient compared to other modern protocols like SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol). It’s just not built for rapid file transfers.
Lastly, FTP doesn’t offer any means to synchronize between the local and remote files. This can be a big problem if you’re looking for a way to automatically upload your files from one directory on your server to another without manually initiating the process.
secure alternative to ftp

The Need For Secure File Transfer Protocols

With FTP’s many problems, it’s clear that if you want to avoid compromising the security of your files and data, you need to look for a secure alternative. There are many reasons you should consider using a secure alternative to FTP:

1. Avoid Sniffing and Sniffing Attacks

As we said above, because FTP traffic is sent in plain text, you’re vulnerable to sniffing. This means that if someone wanted to access your files or data, they could intercept your FTP traffic and gain access to your username and password. If you’re using FTP without any kind of encryption, your traffic will be transferred in plain text. Anyone can view it using a standard protocol analyzer.

2. Avoid Hacking

If your username and password get compromised, your FTP account will be hacked. Once your credentials are compromised, an attacker can gain access to all of the files and directories on your server using the FTP protocol. In some cases, this can lead to unauthorized changes being made to your files and data. This is a huge security risk if you’re storing sensitive information on your FTP server.

3. Avoid Inefficient File Transfers

As we mentioned above, the FTP protocol is slow compared to other modern file transfer protocols. It’s not ideal if you want to quickly send files over the internet. If an FTP server lags due to too many users uploading files at once, you could be blocked from accessing your own files.

4. Avoid Unreliable File Synchronization

Lastly, FTP doesn’t provide any kind of built-in synchronization between your server and the local directory. This can be a big problem if you want to automatically update a directory on your server from your local machine. FTP only lets you upload files to the server, not pull files from it.
Luckily, there are many ways to transfer files securely over the internet. So, if you’re looking for a more efficient, secure, and reliable way to transfer files over the internet than FTP has to offer, what are your options?

Five Alternatives to FTP


SFTP, which is short for SSH File Transfer Protocol, is a secure alternative to FTP that’s built on top of the SSH protocol. That means that SFTP encrypts your connection, logins, and data to keep the process secure.
Using SFTP is quite easy. You can use it through your FTP client or directly on the server using SFTP-specific applications like FileZilla, which you can download for free.
SFTP also comes with its drawbacks. For one, it’s not as widespread as FTP. There are some FTP clients that support SFTP connections, but the protocol is still less common than FTP.
That also means that the support for SFTP isn’t as widespread among websites, servers, routers, switches, firewalls, and other devices. Because of that, some FTP clients don’t support SFTP connections.


FTPS is a secure FTP protocol. It’s built on top of the existing FTP protocol and adds TLS/SSL encryption to secure the connection between the client and the server.
To do that, FTPS uses port 990 by default to encrypt FTP traffic between clients and servers. This means that you can use both SFTP and FTPS simultaneously on the same server, but because it uses port 990, FTPS is still vulnerable to brute-force attacks.

3. AS2

AS2, which is short for Application Exchange 2, is a proprietary protocol developed by IBM. It’s not open-source and IBM charges for its use.
AS2 is not as widespread as other secure FTP alternatives but it has been used by many organizations around the world to transfer sensitive data.
AS2 is complex and very different than FTP. It’s not easy to use outside the context of IBM software, but it’s widely used by IBM customers around the globe.
The drawback of AS2 is that there’s no standard, open-source implementation of the protocol, which means you need to use the IBM AS2 Toolbox to use it on your computers, servers, routers, firewalls, and other devices.


HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. It’s a protocol built on the HTTP protocol to secure web traffic over SSL/TLS.
It’s widely used by websites, browsers, servers, network devices, and other types of internet-connected devices.
HTTPS uses port 443, which is often open on firewalls, routers, and switches. This makes it easier for you to transfer files over HTTPS than other protocols like SFTP, FTPS, and AS2.
HTTPS is a popular protocol used widely for all types of data transmission, such as for communication or for file transferring, with the ability to have the data encrypted for additional security.

5. MFT

MFT is another proprietary protocol developed by IBM. It’s often seen as an alternative to AS2, but it doesn’t have the same widespread use among IBM customers.
You can use MFT to securely transfer files between servers, but it’s not as widespread as AS2. Like with AS2, there’s no open-source implementation of MFT.
As for the drawbacks of MFT, it’s not as widely supported by networking devices like firewalls, routers, and switches. Network admins also need to configure port 1433 on those devices to use MFT connections.


There are many secure alternatives to FTP. But each comes with its own drawbacks, which means you need to select the right alternative for your specific needs. You need to do your research before you select an alternative to FTP.
If your main goal is to transfer files into or out of your servers, then HTTPS or MFT might be the right choice for you. But if you need to transfer files between servers, AS2 or FTPS might be the better choice.
The one you ultimately choose will also depend on your budget, the availability of support for each protocol, and how often you need to transfer data. That being said, it’s important to keep in mind that there are no secure FTP alternatives that solve all your security problems.
Whatever alternative you choose, it’s always best to keep your files secure by encrypting them before you transfer them. This will keep them safe on the wire, even if someone manages to intercept the data.
As more and more companies move to the cloud, expect secure file transfer protocols like SFTP, FTPS, AS2, MFT, HTTPS, and others to become even more widespread. This will make it easier for sysadmins, developers, and businesses to transfer files securely between servers.

Transfer Files Of Any Size

The Secure File Sharing Alternative To FTP

Exploring File Transfer Protocol

server room

File transfers are the building blocks of the Internet. In every single minute of every single day, users of the Internet download files and circulate them all across the virtual world. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) has existed for more than four decades, and over that time, it has seen substantial improvements in terms of encryption standards and file transfer features. 

FTP dates all the way back to the early days of networks, predating even the birth of contemporary Internet Protocol (IP) networks based on TCP in the early 1980s (Transmission Control Protocol).

This article will explore the plethora of dimensions relevant to FTP, such as functionalities, advantages, and disadvantages, while also introducing FileMail as a viable alternative.

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What Is File Transfer Protocol (FTP)?

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) represents a standard communication protocol for transferring computer files from a server to a client across a computer network. FTP is a client-server protocol that utilizes distinct control and data connections between the client and server.
FTP is a client-server networking protocol that enables users to download web pages, data, and applications from other services. When a user wants to download data to their own computer, they do it using FTP.
Furthermore, FTP is not encrypted. It uses cleartext users and passwords for authentication, rendering data transfers through FTP susceptible to eavesdropping, impersonation, and other attacks.
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How Does FTP Work?

The File Transfer Protocol operates on a client-server paradigm, with the file transfer function being carried out by an FTP server and an FTP client. An FTP connection needs two parties to create and interact on a specified network to begin. While a user must have the authority to supply credentials to an FTP server, some public FTP servers do not need users to provide passwords to access the files.
An FTP server is set up on the network, and a specified file storage location (folder/system) is defined as the shared storage location for the data to be shared. End users will connect to this file server using FTP to transfer files to their local folder/system.
FTP needs a TCP/IP network and the usage of one or more FTP clients to function. The FTP client serves as the communication agent between the client and the server, downloading and uploading files. Essentially, the FTP client initiates connections to the FTP server. The FTP server starts the file transfer procedure upon receiving the client’s request to upload or download a file.
Whenever a user encounters a problem, he or she must create a command channel and data channel. After configuring both channels, passive mode instructs the server to listen for connections rather than trying to reconnect with users.

What Is FTP Used For?

Platforms that continue to support FTP downloads and transfers do so mostly out of habit, and even this is becoming less prevalent.
FTP is an informal approach to expose newbies to internet protocols before progressing to more complicated versions, making it an excellent beginning tool. Some individuals create FTP file systems out of nostalgia or just for fun. Transferring huge amounts of server files inside an organization: Some IT professionals may utilize FTP when transferring server files within a closed system.
In addition, FTP is used extensively in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) business to exchange architecture schematics and components. The ideal method for sending huge files such as CAD or SketchUp diagrams, which are often used in the AEC business, is through an FTP server.
Construction and related industries that deal with CAD diagrams and similar file formats often depend on FTP due to file transmission speed.

FTP Clients

Each FTP client has unique capabilities that enable users to customize their upload and download processes. Additional features to look for in an FTP client include public-key authentication, file compression level control, and tools for searching a server using file masks.

FTP's Security Issues

Overall, FTP is inherently insecure as a method of data transport. When a file is sent over this protocol, the data, login, and password are all exchanged in plain text, implying that a hacker may easily get this information. To guarantee the security of your data, you must utilize an improved version of FTP, such as FTPS or SFTP.

FTP stretches back to when cybersecurity was nothing more than a speculative subject. This implies that FTP transfers are not secured, making it reasonably simple for anybody capable of packet sniffing to intercept data. 

If hackers can intercept an FTP transfer, they will not be hindered by encryption to access or modify the contents. Even if you utilize FTP cloud storage, data may be intercepted and abused if the service provider’s system is hacked.

As a result, data delivered over FTP makes an ideal target for spoofing, sniffer, brute force, and other types of attacks. A hacker might inspect an FTP transaction and try to attack its weaknesses using basic port scanning.
disadvantages of file transfer protocol

Disadvantages of FTP

Challenging Utilization

To say that FTP is inaccessible is an understatement. The interface is frightening and overpowering. At first sight (and several subsequent glances), it seems to be something that only an IT specialist could comprehend. This is a significant disadvantage since it needs the training to operate properly for both your personnel and your customers.

Not Every Vendor Is Equal

Businesses choose to host FTP solutions managed by vendors to address the issue of security vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, not all suppliers pass the necessary security tests, making it difficult to find the proper one. Each rival provides a unique set of features, and many of them are lacking in critical areas such as access restrictions, security, usability, and price alternatives.

Encryption is Not a Foregone Occurrence

While it is possible to locate a provider that provides data encryption, many do not. FTP does not include encryption, which explains why transmitted data is so easily intercepted. Additionally, while researching an FTP service, you’ll find that encryption is not always given or enforced.

FTP Can Be Attacked

If you pick an incorrect provider, you risk being left with an FTP solution that does not safeguard your data, leaving you open to hacker strategies such as brute force or spoofing assaults. Hackers utilize brute force attacks to get into your system by rapidly going through thousands of login and password combinations. FTP is susceptible to spoofing attacks, in which a hacker impersonates a genuine user or device on the network.

Compliance is a Problem

Additionally, you should consider compliance while sending data through FTP. FTP on its own or via an insecure FTP provider might expose your firm to non-compliance charges. Lack of encryption is a significant contributor to non-compliance, and you must identify a solution that fits your compliance requirements.

Monitoring Activity Is Difficult

FTP does not provide audit trails, making it difficult to trace down the source of a leak or monitor project progress. As a result, if files are mistreated, or there is a data breach, you may have difficulty tracking the source of the issue. Numerous FTP clients lack the necessary access restrictions to guarantee that your staff follows file sharing best practices.
advantages of ftp

Advantages of FTP

Multiple file directories may be transferred concurrently

FTP is an excellent alternative if your company wants you to exchange large volumes of data (think terabytes, not megabytes) at once. Engineers, architects, and graphic designers often have enormously huge files that are too large to send by email and too sluggish to share using HTTPS. FTP provides a significant benefit in these instances since it allows for the faster transmission of massive files.

Never lose track of your file transfer progress

It is advantageous because you do not have to fear losing your transfer progress if you lose connection to the network while using FTP. If you lose your connection or need to reboot your machine, you won’t have to start again. You may continue where you left off. When the network becomes accessible, FTP will immediately rejoin and resume where it left off.
multi-platform apps

Filemail: The Viable Alternative To FTP

Nonetheless, there are also viable alternatives that overcome the challenges posed by FTPs and bring additional functionalities and advantages. Filemail is a web platform that enables the sending and receiving of huge files of any size using a variety of applications and services. 

It is a free service that is available to anybody. The fundamental principle is straightforward: choose a file, fill in a recipient’s email address, and click ‘send’. The receiver receives a link to your file and downloads it.

Surpassing the security vulnerabilities of FTPs, with Filemail you may specify the availability period and password protection for your file transfer, which makes it safer. It also comes with security measures that make your file transfer more secure, unparalleled by FTP.

Two sets of firewalls protect your servers, and access to the data is maintained directly via Windows access. On disk, filenames are encrypted, and the sheer volume of data on the servers makes it virtually difficult to retrieve and decrypt data from the hard drives.

Share Files Of Any Size

The Secure Alternative To FTP

How To Transfer Files From PC To PC

how to transfer files from pc to pc

Nothing beats the excitement of purchasing a shiny new computer. Normally, buying a new computer entails acquiring a slew of new features, enhanced processing power, improved graphics, and increased storage. 

Of course, if you’re moving to a new computer and replacing an older one, you are likely to wish to move more than a few files. Ideally, you should transfer all documents, images, the whole of your user profile, accounts, favourites, bookmarks, and emails, in other words, everything you own and use. So, how to transfer files from pc to pc?

Several variables will affect the procedure, including the number of files to transfer, the file size, and the operating systems of the two computers.

While file transfer is not a complex operation, it might take several hours depending on the quantity of data you need to transmit. The following are six of the most often used strategies you may try for yourself.

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usb drive

1. External Storage Device

It is known most people utilize external drives. It is quite simple to copy the data from a USB flash drive from one computer to another, connect the same drive to the second computer, and copy the data again. 

Alternatively, if you have more data than a flash drive can hold, you may utilize an external hard drive. If both laptops are equipped with USB 3.0 ports, you may want to consider purchasing one of the quickest flash drives available. When dealing with a large amount of data, speed becomes critical!

When using external hard drives for backup reasons, there are many factors to consider, since certain drives may have occasional file transfer failures: utilize a high-quality cable (same goes for internal drives) and a high-quality USB hub, if necessary. 

Some USB controllers become unstable under heavy load as well, so if you have troubles with a hard disc connection, you may need to replace individual components to determine the source of the problem.

Pros Cons
Portable - An external hard disc is portable and plug-and-play. It may be used as a storage device for any computer that supports USB or FireWire.
Data loss - External drives are just as prone to data loss as internal drives. External hard drives are susceptible to viruses and malware software attacks. Additionally, they are susceptible to degradation from sunshine, heat, humidity, liquids, dust, and magnetic fields.
Emergency Use - You may utilize an external hard drive as a backup disc in case of an emergency. Because hard drives sometimes fail, keeping a backup is critical whether you rely on your computer for business or personal purposes.
Prone to Breaches - The majority of external hard drives are password-protected. If your hard drive or flash drive is lost or stolen, anybody who puts the device into a computer may access your data.
Improved Performance - By using the external drive as the primary storage device, you may significantly improve the performance of Macs with slower internal drives.
Difficult to set up - Setting up file versioning on external hard discs is difficult. If you back up your files to an external hard drive once a day, you're often left with a single backup to depend on, rather than numerous file versions

2. Internal SSD & HDD Drives

If you’re migrating from an old computer to a newer one, your old computer may become inoperable. Alternatively, you may replace an old hard drive with a new one. However, how can you get your previous data?

Hard disc drives (HDD) and certain Solid State Drives (SSD) are connected to the motherboard through standard SATA connections. Connect your old hard drive to a spare SATA or eSATA (external SATA) connector if you have one. It will be recognized as a new drive by the operating system. Then begin the transfer. It is the quickest of all possible options.

Pros Cons
Internal hard drives have a high capacity for storing significant quantities of data. Besides, internal hard discs are inextricably linked to your computer at all times. As a result, scheduling backups regularly needs less work. Compared to other media storage types, internal hard drives are very cost-effective.
Limited Life Expectancy - Each SSD has a limited number of reading and write cycles. This is referred to as terabytes written (TBW). When you purchase an SSD, it comes with a preset "time of death" that is affected by how often the drive is used.
transfer cable

3. Using A Transfer Cable

You may transfer data via several connections rather than using a cloud-based service or an external hard drive. Because data is copied and pasted concurrently from PC to PC, this approach is often faster than utilizing discs.

Although it may seem to be rather outdated, using a file transfer cable is still an effective method of transferring information between two computers that are located near one another.

Using this device, you connect to both computers’ USB ports and then use the provided file-transfer software to pick files and folders to be transferred between them. Once your devices are connected through USB ports, the bundled transfer programme will walk you through the file and setting migration process. 

 If both PCs have USB 3.0 connections, data transmission will be much quicker; when you begin the file migration procedure, bear this in mind.

Pros Cons
Speed - Since USB drives do not need an internet connection, they have reasonably fast transfer speeds. On the other hand, the speed is influenced by several parameters, including the USB version, the hardware bus, and the USB controller device.
Difficult to expand - As soon as the crossover connection is connected from one computer to the next, connecting to any other computer becomes difficult without adding more network adapters.
Capacity - Initially, USB drives did not offer a wide range of storage capacity. Until recently, USB devices with a capacity of up to 2TB were available. As a result, users are relieved of carrying extra hardware in cases with huge storage capacity.
Untrustworthy - Computers linked in this manner are categorized automatically as having a "public" connection. Public connections disable network discovery, file sharing, and printer sharing by default. Sharing these resources becomes more laborious than if the computers were linked through a switch since you must manually re-enable these functions in each computer's settings.
Physical Dimensions - USB flash drives are compact and lightweight, making them very portable. They fit well into pockets and backpacks. It is the ideal replacement for hard drives and tablets that demand a lot of space.
transfer files using wifi

4. Sharing Files Over Wi-Fi

The majority of popular operating systems have an option for configuring a home network. This enables devices connected to the same router (through Ethernet or Wi-Fi) to automatically identify one another. 

Thus, while transferring data between computers, you do not need to establish a new connection each time; the connection is always active as long as both machines are turned on.

Pros Cons
No External USB Memory Drive Hardware Required - Typically, when we wish to transfer data between PCs, we hunt for a USB Flash Drive or a USB Hard Disk Drive. Transferring files through Wi-Fi eliminates the need for an additional device to transmit data between two PCs. All that is required is a functional Wi-Fi connection.
Problems with the necessary bandwidth - File sharing does need adequate bandwidth to provide for rapid and easy access to data. Accessing files might be a time-consuming process if you lack the appropriate speed.
Rapid File Transfer - Sharing files via Wi-Fi enables quicker file transfers between PCs. When Wi-Fi links two computers, the bandwidth available for file transfers is increased significantly. Additionally, the time required to copy data from one PC to an external drive and transfer it to another PC is decreased. Files are transferred instantly from one PC to another through Wi-Fi, halving the time required.
Public Access - When files are exchanged, an employee or an external hacker's chance to share firm data in a public forum online increases. Malware, ransomware, and viruses are more likely to attack shared files. For example, the virus may infect a workstation that is used to view the data and then upload itself to your server or to the other workstation that has the contents.
Secure Data Transfer - Using Wi-Fi to transfer data protects you from potential dangers. Utilising a flash drive or memory drive might be detrimental to your computer's performance, since they may include viruses or other malware. By using Wi-Fi to share the file you want, you avoid this danger.

5. Transfer Files From Pc To Pc Over LAN

LAN Cables are one of the earliest connecting two computers via Ethernet ports to transfer data. A LAN Cable allows for speedier data transfers and is compatible with all versions of Windows. 

 The LAN cable avoids the need to plug in and unplug the Pen drive when you wish to transfer a file (s). Additionally, you are not reliant on Wi-Fi. Whichever sort of data you desire to send, LAN Cable provides the fastest possible transfer rate, and using Wi-Fi does not need advanced technical expertise in network configuration.

Pros Cons
Facilitated Communication - Using a LAN, users may easily share messages and data. Since the data is stored on the server, it may be viewed by LAN users. Each LAN user can do this with other network users. As a result, this saves time and assures that communications are sent to the appropriate recipients.
Cost of Implementation - While LANs save money by sharing resources, the initial cost of setting up the network is quite high. This is mostly due to the demand for specialised software to create a server. Additionally, physical equipment like routers, hubs, switches, and cables must be purchased for the initial setup.
Data centralisation - Having a computer network enables all information to be stored in a central location and accessible to multiple users. This enables members of the same team to access all the resources necessary to do their duties.
Policy Violations - Since all data associated with linked computers is kept on a single server, unauthorised individuals may examine the browser history and downloads associated with all connected machines.
multi-platform apps

6. Cloud-based Service Providers 

You may transmit and download files using various cloud storage services, like Google Drive or OneDrive. What makes cloud storage so advantageous for file transfers? Because these cloud-based services enable you to download and transmit files of nearly any size, depending on available storage space. Additionally, you may upload larger files using online applications.

If you are working in a professional capacity, you will almost certainly be required to transfer files to individuals and organizations located worldwide. Filemail comes in handy in this situation. There are no difficult preparations, no QR codes to read, and no hurdles to go through. Sending a file is just as simple as sending an email message.

The Filemail App enables you to send huge files of any size, to any email address using a simple drag and drop interface. You may also upload files to a private URL to share with others. Transfers are enhanced by the Filemail UDP protocol, which makes it the quickest and most reliable method of sending huge files over the internet.
Pros Cons
Cost - Physical storage might be too costly. Cloud storage, which does not need hardware, is much less expensive per GB than external drives.
Internet connection - Cloud storage requires an internet connection. If you are connected to a sluggish network, accessing your storage may be difficult. You will be unable to view your files if you are not connected to the internet.
Accessibility - By storing your files in the cloud, you can access them from any location with an internet connection.
Costs - Uploading and downloading files from the cloud incur additional charges. These charges may rapidly accumulate if you often access many files.
Recovery - You may access your data in the cloud in the case of a hard disc failure or other hardware problems. It is a backup option for physical hard discs used for local storage.
Privacy - When you utilise a cloud service provider, your data is no longer physically stored on your computer. Therefore, who is accountable for the security of data? This is a grey region that is currently being clarified.
Syncing and Keeping Your Devices Up-to-Date - When you use cloud storage, any changes you make to a file are automatically synchronized and updated across all devices from which you access the cloud.

So, What Option Is Best For You?

Although getting a new computer is exciting, realizing that all of your information is still on the old one is less so! After all, how to share files from PC to PC is essential for any computer owner. 

 Currently, there are numerous options available to transfer the data, applications, and settings from your old computer to your new computer. You may access your data from any device, anywhere, whether you use an old-fashioned flash drive or a cutting-edge piece of software.

Transfer Files Of Any Size

Unlimited Recipients, Downloads, & Bandwidth

Gmail Attachment Size Limit And How To Share Files That Bypass The Limit

using gmail to send large files via email

Gmail is a popular email service by Google. Since its launch in 2004, it has become one of the most frequently used email services around the world.

Gmail’s easy-to-use interface makes it a great option for new email users, which explains its popularity. In fact, Gmail has a whopping 1.8 billion active worldwide users as of late 2021.

However, one of the features that could potentially hamper its widespread use is the restriction on email attachments that can be sent and received through it. The Gmail attachment size limit on the files that can be sent or received through its servers, can prove problematic when sharing large files.

This restriction may be a problem and impede the sharing of large files like spreadsheets, presentations, music tracks, and videos. Fortunately, there are methods that can bypass the limit.

In this blog post, we will take a look into how you can bypass this size limit to send large emails with large attachments through Gmail. Let’s dive in!

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Why Do Emails Have Size Limits?

There are mainly two reasons why Gmail has this restriction on file sizes.

The first reason is to ensure that files do not take too long to upload or download. Keeping in mind that it takes about 14 seconds for a 1 MB file to upload, sending large files through emails could end up taking a lot of time, which is why Gmail has this restriction.

Gmail also has this size limit because larger files can contain viruses or malware that could infect your computer if you download them. Keeping these risks in mind, Gmail restricts the sending and receiving of large files to ensure that its users are safe. However, there are ways around this size limit.

Email Attachment Size of Top Email Providers

Top free email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and others have a limit of file sizes that can be sent or received through their servers. Let’s take a look at how various service providers stack against Gmail when it comes to file sizes.
Email Provider File Attachment Size Limit (MB)
Outlook.com / Hotmail.com
As you can see from the list, there is a common size of 25 MB that almost all top email providers have imposed on attachments. This is because they have their servers configured to handle such large files and they want to keep things consistent.
However, Gmail has one of the lowest limits when it comes to email attachments. This is the reason why you may have problems sending large files through Gmail. But don’t lose heart, as there are ways to send large emails through Gmail.
bypass gmail attachment size limit

How to Bypass Gmail's File Size Limit

There are many different ways to send large emails through Gmail. You just need to know the right workaround. Let’s take a look at some of the methods that you can use to send large files through Gmail.
compress and reduce

1. Compress Your Files

Compressing your files to bypass Gmail’s size limit is one of the easiest methods. You just need to compress your file into a ZIP or RAR format so that you can send it to your Gmail contact. When they receive the file, all they have to do is extract it before opening it. It really is as simple as that.
To zip your file, all you need to do is right-click on the file and select the option to “Send to” > “Compressed (zipped) folder.” It will take a few seconds for the file to get compressed and you can send it across to your Gmail contact. Once they receive it, all they need to do is right-click on the file and select the option to “Extract All.”
file split

2. File Splitters

You can also use file splitters to bypass the size limit of Gmail. File splitters are applications that allow you to break up your files into smaller chunks and send them in separate emails. 

For example, you can split a 25 MB file into 5 parts of 5 MB each and send it in 5 separate emails. This ensures that the file reaches your intended recipient without any issues.

There are many different file splitters available online, but finding the one that works best for you is key. A few things to consider when choosing a file splitter are:

1. File formats supported

You need to make sure that the file splitter supports your file format. It should also be able to handle large files, such as videos and images.

2. Multiple emails

You should look for a file splitter that allows you to quickly separate and send your large files into multiple emails. This way, you won’t run into any issues when sending large files through Gmail.

3. Ease of use

The whole point of using a file splitter is to make the process quick and easy. So, you should look for a file splitter that makes it simple to separate your files into multiple emails. You can also look for a free file splitter that you can use without having to pay any fees.

3. Cloud Storage Options

Cloud storage options have quickly become the preferred choice of users looking to share large files. With cloud storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox, you can upload your file and send a link to your recipient. They can then download the file from their respective cloud storage accounts.


OneDrive is one of the most popular cloud storage services out there. OneDrive lets you store, share, and sync your work or school files in one place. You may save your documents to OneDrive and access them from any device. You can share files in OneDrive with others, no matter where they are.

Google Drive

As one of Google’s most popular services, Google Drive enables you to store and share your files across all your devices. You can create, upload, and edit your files in the cloud and even collaborate with others to work on a single file. You can choose from Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms to create your file.


Dropbox lets you store and share your files, including photos. You can define who sees each file or folder and keep them private with a password. Dropbox can help you protect your content. You don’t have to worry about the size of the file when using these options, as they are designed to handle large files.

4. Cloud-Based File Transfer Service

If you want to share large files with your business associates, friends, or family members, using cloud-based file transfer services can be a great idea. These are services that provide you with a large amount of cloud storage space to share your files with other users all over the world.

Cloud-based file transfer services work just like cloud storage services. You can access them from any device and they are especially useful when you’re on the go. There are many different services available, so finding the one that best fits your requirements can be a bit challenging.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a cloud-based file transfer service:

1. File Size Limit

Make sure the file transfer service you choose supports all your files and doesn’t limit the size of your files. It’s also a good idea to test the file transfer service before using it on your files, as some of these services may cause problems.

2. File Format Support

You need to make sure that the file transfer service you choose supports all your file formats. It should also be able to handle large files, such as videos and images.

3. Channels Supported

You should make sure the file transfer service you choose supports the communication channels you use, such as email and social media.

4. Security and Privacy Features

You should look for a file transfer service that lets you send secure files, offers end-to-end encryption, and prevents third parties from intercepting your files.

5. Pricing

Before choosing a file transfer service, you should consider its pricing plans. You don’t have to pay for the file transfer service, but it’s important to look at its pricing structure.
multi-platform apps


Filemail is one of the most viable options out there that lets you send large files to anyone through email easily and swiftly. Filemail is entirely free and allows you to send as many files as you want. 

 The free version of Filemail has a 5 GB limitation, but they also have paid options that allow you to send unlimited file size. They support every single format. Make sure you check out Filemail if you’re looking for a way to send large files without worrying about storage space.


Bypassing the Gmail attachment size limit can be a real pain when you’re trying to send someone a file that’s larger than that size. The good news is that you always have options, depending on what it is you’re trying to send.
If your files are too large for Gmail but too small for OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other file-sharing service you use, Filemail is one of the best options out there.
Filemail lets you send large files easily and quickly through email, regardless of the format your file is in. We hope this article helped you learn how to bypass the Gmail file size limit and work around it whenever necessary. Thanks for reading!​

Get Past Gmail Attachment Size Limits

Without Wasting Time Using Splitters & Compressors

How to Send Large Files Via Email

sending large files using email

When you need to send a large file via email, it can be frustrating when you get a pop-up that tells you your files are too large. Surprisingly, most email servers cannot send or receive files over a specific size.

Not only that, just because you can send an attachment through the sender’s email server, it does not necessarily mean that the recipient’s email can accept it. How do you ensure you send an email attachment that your recipient can open? Read on to find out how to send large files via email.

You need to ensure you know the size of your email attachments before you send them. Size limitations for email servers are not one size fits all and vary for each provider. Luckily, most email services will display the file size next to the file name.

If you are attaching multiple files, you will want to keep track of your attachments’ total size. If the file size shows in Kilobytes instead of megabytes, know that there are 1024 kilobytes in one megabyte.

Many businesses and individuals alike are using cloud-based service providers and cloud-based file transfer services to bypass attachment size when sending large files over email.

Transfer Up To 5 GB For Free

No-Registration Required

Cloud-Based Storage Service To Send Large Files Via Email

When you have large files to send over an email, but the file is too large, one of the more efficient solutions is to use cloud-based storage services.

Cloud storage spaces like iCloud Mail Drop, OneDrive, and Google Drive are excellent ways to send large files through email. When you have high-quality graphics, videos, presentations, data, or more, you need to send it over, cloud solutions allow you to upload your files to the cloud service.

Then send over the link for your recipient to access the file through a link instead of an attachment. If it sounds daunting, it’s easy once you get the hang of it. Here’s how you send large attachments through cloud-based storage services.

apple icloud and mail

1. iCloud Mail Drop with Apple Mail 

Using an iCloud account, you are set up to use Mail Drop, which allows you to send large files up to 5GB via iCloud. When you use Mail Drop, the files are stored in encrypted form and are made available to the recipient to download within 30 days.

First, you want to make sure Mail Drop is Enabled from your Apple Mail Account.

1. Open Apple Mail from your Mac and select Preferences from the menu bar under Mail.

2. Under the Accounts tab, select the account you want to enable Mail Drop for.

3. Check the box next to the Send large attachments with Mail Drop.

4. Compose a new email using Apple Mail and ensure the text cursor is placed where you’d like the attachment to appear.

5. Select File, then select Attach files. Choose the file you’d like to attach and click on Choose File.

If your attachment exceeds the size limits, Apple Mail will automatically upload the file to the iCloud server for your recipient. 

Pros Cons
The attachment is uploaded into the iCloud and includes a secure link.
Mail Drop only has a 5GB limit, so anything over will fail using this method.
The attachment doesn't count against your iCloud storage total space and is only kept in the cloud for 30 days.
Some attachments don't transfer well to other operating systems like Windows. 
using gmail to send large files via email

2. Google Drive with Gmail

Google Drive allows you to send attachments up to 25MB and receive files of up to 50MB. Sending a large file through Google Drive requires you to upload it first and then send it via email. Just follow these simple steps.

1. Sign in to your Gmail inbox and select Compose in the top left corner of the screen to begin a new message. 

2. From the icon buttons at the bottom of the new message pop-up, select the Google Drive icon. A dialog box will pop up, allowing you to insert a file.

3. If you have not uploaded your file yet to Google Drive, you can do so from this dialogue box. Select Upload from the top menu. You can drag and drop your large attachment, or you can click on Select files from your device. Select Upload to add the file to your Google Drive.

4. If your file is already uploaded on your Google Drive, you can search for your file in your Drive. Highlight the file and click on the Insert button. 

5. Be sure to set the permissions before you send the email to ensure your recipient can access the file. Your Gmail will do a check to make sure your recipient has access to the file for you and prompt you to update the sharing settings of your file before sending the message.

The attachment link will now be added to your email. 

Pros Cons
File sharing is easy and has many built-in tools to collaborate with others on your files easily.
There is a potential security risk when sharing files with no password protection for your files.
Files are private until you share them with your intended recipients.
Google Drive imposes upload limits to your drive, so this limitation can be frustrating if you need to share multiple large files to Google Drive.
You can access your files from anywhere.
one drive and outlook

3. OneDrive with Outlook

For many businesses, their primary email service is Outlook. OneDrive is an excellent solution for sending large files over emails with Outlook. Outlook only allows up to 33MB for attachments. You need to be sure to save your file first to your One Drive before sharing it.

Here’s how to send your file via email using OneDrive

1. You’ll want to begin by signing into your OneDrive account.

2. Right-click on the file you want to share. From the dropdown menu, select Share. 

3. In the pop-up box, enter the email addresses of the people you want to share the file with and update the permissions you want to set for the document. This method generates an email automatically with a link to view the large file. 

4. If you want to draft up a custom email, generate a link from the copy link button at the bottom left of the pop-up instead of entering the recipients’ email to auto-invite. Paste the link into a new email through Outlook. 

Pros Cons
You can store any file on OneDrive, and it has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to send large files via email.
OneDrive free plan allows up to 5GB of storage, and you have to pay for additional storage.
Microsoft is a well established business so you know they are solid, dependable and reliable.
Security is a concern when using OneDrive.
It only encrypts data in transit but not the data sitting there.
User permissions can allow people to change documents that are not wanted. 

Cloud-Based File Transfer Service To Send Large Files Using Email

When cloud services began, they were more geared toward consumers for web-based email, social media, photos, and personal storage locations. As cloud solutions have evolved and security has increased, cloud services have opened up allow entire network infrastructures to operate within the cloud, including file transfers. 

The demand for secure sharing processes to share sensitive documents and data is on the rise, and more and more people adopt cloud-based file transfer services. With the increase of employees working from home, it’s essential to have a user-friendly and secure solution that allows employees to send and receive large data files. 

You can always use a cloud-based file transfer service. 

multi-platform apps


Filemail is one of the many solutions that provide a service that allows you to send and receive files of any size online. It comes with security features that make your file transfer secure by enabling you to set the availability period and set up password protection. This helps prevent your file from ending up in the wrong hands. 

Using Filemail is simple and allows you two options to send large files online. You can send it directly or by generating a link and sending it through your email platform of choice. 

1. From the Filemail website, select the Add Files button to select the files you’d like to send. 

2. If you want to send as an email, you select the Send As Email tab and draft an email to send with using your email address.

3. If you’d prefer to use your primary email server, select the Send as link tab and copy the link.

4. A pop-up will appear to allow you to set the file availability duration.

Filemail allows you to share files up to 5GB for free. With a paid account you get a lot more features, such as 1 TB of storage, adding a logo or background, perfect for small businesses.

These methods are some of the best ways to send large files via email. You always want to be sure you are using specialized secure cloud and transfer tools. Security is one of the most important concerns when sending or receiving large attachments.

 Always make sure to only open attachments from people you know and trust, and make sure they come from any of the safe methods mentioned above.

Send Large Files Of Any Size

Unlimited Recipients, Downloads, & Bandwidth

Send Audio Files: 8 Ways To Share Music & Songs Fast

send audio files

This article covers 8 ways to send audio files online. We’ll take into account file formats used by professionals, and MP3 format used by the general public.

The solutions we’ll look at are:

  1. Email
  2. Bluetooth
  3. WhatsApp
  4. Facebook Messenger
  5. Google Drive
  6. One Drive
  7. iCloud
  8. Filemail

Free Audio File Transfers Up To 5 GB

No Registration Required

Most Popular Audio File Formats Shared

All types of audio files are transferred between people and organizations. In personal situations, it could be voice recordings, songs, and music files. In a professional capacity, it can be things like voice-over, sound effects, music, and songs. 

Professionals who work with audio will either use lossless compression or uncompressed formats when sending audio files. This is because they need to preserve the quality and fidelity of the sound. File types they typically work with include WAV, AIFF, and FLAC. Lossless compression in this case is file types such as Zip and RAR.

Non-professionals who share audio, certainly in the case of music and songs will use the ubiquitous MP3. 

Typical file sizes for 1 minute of popular audio file formats 

File Format Kilo Hertz (kHz) Bit Depth File Size (MB)
128 kbps

How To Send Audio Files

Depending on the format, and the resultant file size, some methods to share audio files are better suited than others.

1. Email

email audio files

The easiest way to transfer MP3 files is by mailing them to the senders. Use the attachment option to attach the desired audio files, and hit send. 

Email service providers have limits on how large an attachment you can send. Typically, the size is 10 MB to 25 MB depending on the provider. You can use lossless compression such as Zip or RAR tools to reduce file size. But even then, you are still severely hampered in your ability to send large audio files.

Pros & Cons Of Emailing Audio Files


1. You’ll have an email address, and know-how to attach and send emails. 


1. Due to the attachment size limit, you can’t send high-quality audio files, nor many files.

2. Bluetooth

use bluetooth to share audio files

Bluetooth has been around for many years and is often on mobile devices. Not only can you use it to connect various peripheral devices such as speakers and headphones, but also to transfer files. 

How To Share Audio Files Using Bluetooth

1. Enable Bluetooth on both sending and receiving device.

2. Pair the devices with each other.

3. Select the audio file you want to share, and click on the Share icon.

4. Select the Bluetooth icon and press Send.

5. The recipient will have to accept the transfer.

Pros & Cons Of Bluetooth File Sharing


1. Easy to use.

2. Wireless so no messing with wires.

3. Bluetooth is a popular feature that is often present on mobile devices, and easily installed onto devices that don’t have it.


1. Slow transfer rates mean this is not a feasible option for sending large files.

2. Bluetooth shouldn’t be used to transfer high-resolution audio.

3. Bluetooth transfer can only be done with devices no more than 100 m apart.

3. WhatsApp

using whatsapp to share music

WhatsApp is a very popular messaging app that is often used to share images, documents, videos, and audio files. 

How To Send Audio Files Via WhatsApp

1. Go to the contact you want to share with

2. Click on the Paperclip icon that is in the message box.

3. Select the Audio icon

4. Browse to and select the desired audio file

5. Click on send to transfer the file

Pros & Cons Of Using Wireless To Send Files


1. Quick and easy to share.

2. A popular messaging app, so there is a good chance the app is installed on a device.


1. Both parties will need to install WhatsApp and be on each other’s contact list.

2. Can only send up to 100 MB file.

3. Audio recorded using WhatsApp can only be 16 MB in size.

4. WhatsApp will compress audio files, so you will lose quality.

5. Due to iOS limitations, you can’t use an iPhone to share audio files.

4. Facebook Messenger

facebook messenger

Facebook Messenger is a free messaging app that lets you contact your friends on Facebook. As well as the ability to send chat messages, you can share photos, videos, and other files including music and songs.

How To Send Music Files Via WhatsApp

1. On a desktop computer, log in to Messenger.

2. Go to the person you want to share with.

3. Click on the “+” icon, then click on the Paperclip icon.

4. Select the file you want to share.

5. Press “Enter” to send the file.

Pros & Cons Of Transferring Audio Files Via Facebook Messenger


1. It’s free to download.

2. It is simple to use.


1. Can only send files from a desktop computer.

2. The maximum file size is only 150 MB.

3. Slow transfer speeds.

4. Privacy concerns.

5. Google Drive

google drive logo

If you use Google services such as Gmail, then you will have Google Drive. Google Drive is a cloud-based hosting and sharing service. You upload your file, then share the link with whomever. 

How To Share Music With Google Drive

1. Go to Google Drive.

2. Click on New, and select the file you want to upload. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the desired file.

3. Once uploaded you right-click on the file, and select the Share option.

4. Enter the email address of people you want to share the file with. 

5. Alternatively, you can right-click and select Get Link. You can then share the link with people who can then download the file.

Pros & Cons Of Using Google Drive To Share Music


1. Free, with paid options.

2. Easy to use interface.

3. Tight integration with other products in Google’s ecosystem.

4. Multi-platform apps

5. The maximum file size is 5 TB. 


1. Only have 15 GB of storage space in their free tier.

2. Transfer speeds can be slow.

3. You’ll need to have a Google account.

4. Privacy concerns as Google will analyze your content.

5. No password protection of files.

6. No notification if a file you shared has been accessed.

6. One Drive

one drive logo

One Drive is Microsoft’s cloud-based offering. Similar to Google Drive, you upload a file, get a link and share it with whomever you want.

How To Use One Drive To Share Files

1. Go to OneDrive.

2. Click on Upload which is near the top of the window.

3. Navigate to and select the audio file you want to share, alternatively, you can drag and drop the file instead.

4. Once the file has been uploaded, you highlight it, and then select the Share option which is at the top of the window.

5. You can choose to get a shareable link to the file or email the link to intended recipients.

Pros & Cons Of Using One Drive To Transfer Files


1. Free, with paid options to upgrade.

2. Strong integration with Microsoft’s many products including in-built support within MS Office.

3. Multi-platform apps.

4. The maximum file size is 250 GB. 


1. You’ll need to have an account associated with a Microsoft product, typically an Outlook, Hotmail, or Live email address.

2. You only get 5 GB of free storage space.

3. No notification if a file you shared has been accessed. 

7. iCloud

icloud logo

If you are an Apple user, you have an additional option to share the file with other Apple users through iCloud.

File Sharing Via iCloud

1. Upload your file by clicking on the ‘cloud with an upward arrow’ icon.

2. Go to your desired file and click on open.

3. Once uploaded, you open the transferred file.

4. Make a note of the URL that indicates where the file is stored in iCloud.

5. Share that URL with the required recipients using email or a chat app.

Pros & Cons Of iCloud File Transfer


1. Free, with paid options.

2. Tight integration within Apple’s ecosystem

3. The maximum file size is 50 GB.


1. Need to have an Apple account.

2. Not as easy to share files when compared to other services.

3. Only get 5 GB of free storage.

4. No notification if a file you shared has been accessed. 

8. Filemail

use filemail to send audio files

Filemail is an online cloud-based sharing service that lets you send data files or folders of any type and size. Our desktop software uses UDP transfer acceleration which is much faster than TCP-based solutions, for example, your browser. 

We have a free option that you can use to send up to 5 GB a day. Our free option includes not only usage of our website, but all of our apps. You can send files from Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac, and PC.

How To Use Filemail To Send Audio Files For Free

1. Go to our home page or if you want to use an app go to our apps page.

2. You can choose if you want to, send it as an email or, receive a download link which you can share in other ways.

3. If  you are sharing as an email, fill in the To and From email fields. Enter a Subject. You can also add a message if you want to.

4. Click on Add Files or Add Folder, alternatively, you can drag and drop the intended files.

5. Click on Send. The files will be uploaded to our web-based service.

6. The recipients will get a link which they can use to access and download the shared files. If you selected Send As Link, you will get a URL link that you can share on social media, forums, in chat apps; the choice is yours.

Pros & Cons Of Filemail Free


1. It’s free, with paid options to upgrade.

2. Any music file type.

3. Get notified when someone downloads your files.

4. As easy as sending an email.

5. Multi-platform apps.

6. Fast transfer rates.


1. Free option only lets you send up to 5 GB a day.

2. Files are only stored for 7 days. 

Send Audio Files, Any Format, Any Size, Unlimited Downloads

Share High-Quality Music & Songs For Just $10 A Month

WiFi File Transfer

wi-fi file transfer using router

In this article we will cover how to transfer files using WiFi file transfer apps. We’ll also show how you can use alternatives such as Windows 10 Your Phone app, Windows 10 Nearby Sharing, Apple AirDrop, and Filemail. 

Transfer Up To 5 GB For Free

No-Registration Required

What Is WiFi File Transfer?

WiFi file transfer is a solution to help you share files to and from devices connected to the same WiFi network. This means that the devices have to be fairly near to each other, and the router. 

This is different from WiFi Direct which doesn’t need a router. 

The best part about WiFi file transfer is that it isn’t slow like Bluetooth. 

Since all Windows, Apple, and Android devices can connect to a WiFi router, you can wirelessly transfer files between the various operating systems.

But you do need the assistance of some software on your mobile device to execute this method, and the process can be fiddly.

How Does WiFi File Transfer Work?

Apps like ShareIt, Zapya and others work in a similar way, so let’s take a look at what is involved.

wireless file transfer

The Basic Premise In WiFi File Transfer Between Mobile Devices

1. Install a WiFi file transfer app on both mobile devices.

2. On the sending device, click on Send and select the files you want to share, click on Send again. 

3. Follow the instructions, which will typically be things like turn off mobile hotspot, turn on Bluetooth.

4. On the receiving device, click on Receive, turn on Bluetooth. You will see a QR code.

5. On the sending device, scan the QR code shown on the receiving device.

6. You can now send the desired file.

WiFi File Transfer Between Mobile Devices And A Computer

1. Install a WiFi file transfer app on the mobile device.

2. On the sending device, click on Send and select the files you want to share, click on Send again.

3. You will be given a URL, that you must go to on your computer’s browser.

4. On your browser you will see a QR code, that you must scan using your mobile device.

5. On your computer, you will see the file you shared, download it.

When Is It Best To Use WiFi File Transfer?

wifi local sharing

If you are looking to transfer files locally between different platforms, then this method has its uses. It does the job of sharing files between two or more cross-platform devices.

There is no need to have a USB or Lightning to USB cable on you as you can use a wireless connection. In some cases, you will have to install an app on both the sending and receiving device. There is some fiddling about in terms of receiving devices going to specific URLs, scanning codes, and what-not.

WiFi File Transfer Substitutes

There are substitutes to WiFi file transfer apps, where the goal is to share files locally. If you don’t have an appropriate USB cable handy, or you want to share using a wireless network, you can use:

1. Windows 10 Your Phone app.

2. Windows 10 Nearby Sharing.

3. AirDrop.

1. Windows 10 Your Phone App

windows 10 nearby sharing

You can use the Your Phone app to transfer files to and from a Windows 10 PC to Android and iPhone. The connection between PC and phone is via WiFi.

How To Get Up And Running

1. Open Your Phone App.

2. You will be asked “What kind of phone do you have?”. Select Android or iPhone. For this example, we’ll go with Android. Click on Continue.

3. You will be told to go to www.aka.ms/yourpc on your Android phone, and to install the app Your Phone Companion. Or you can go directly to Google Play Store, and search for Your Phone Companion – Link To Windows.

4. Once installed on your phone, you click on Link Your phone and PC.

5. On your PC, check “Yes, I finished installing Your Phone Companion”, then click on Open QR Code.

6. Scan the QR Code using your phone. Check and accept the various permission requests.

What Types Of Files Can You Share?

Depending on the phone, you will either be able to share images from your Gallery only or images from Gallery and My Files.

How To Transfer Files From Android Phone To PC Using Your Phone App

1. On Your Phone app on your PC, click on Apps, then click on Phone Screen.

2. Go to the files you want to copy to your Android phone.

3. Drag and drop the desired files onto Phone Screen on Your Phone app.

How To Transfer Files From PC To Android Using Your Phone App 

1. On your PC open the Phone Screen.

2. Navigate to either the Gallery or My Files.

3. Drag and drop the desired files from the Phone Screen to your PC.


1. Sharing locally between some Android devices and Windows 10 is easy.

2. Can upload or download multiple files at the same time.


1. PC must have Windows 10 May 2019 Update.

2. Graphics card that supports Direct X 11.

3. Android device must be running Android 9.0 or higher.

4. You have to install Your Phone Companion – Link To Windows app on some devices.

5. Can’t share files over long distances due to the need to be connected to the same WiFi.

6. Files can’t be larger than 512 MB.

7. iPhone is not supported properly.

8. Depending on your device you may only be able to share images.

2. Windows 10 Nearby Sharing 

your phone app for wifi file transfer

Nearby Sharing can help you share files between PCs using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

To Share Files Using Windows 10 Nearby Sharing

1. Make sure that WiFi and Bluetooth features are turned on both your devices. Furthermore, disconnect from any network, including the internet, to start sharing files with another computer.

2. Go to Start > Settings > System.

3. Near the bottom on the left-hand side of the window you’ll see ‘Shared Experiences’

4. Go to the bottom-right of your Windows desktop screen and open the action center (marked by a message cloud icon). 

5. Click Nearby sharing and turn it on. Repeat the same process on your other Windows PC.

6. From the file explorer, find and select the file or files you want to share. Right-click on the selection and click Share.

7. For weblinks, go to the website you wish to share using Microsoft Edge. Click Settings and more and then Share.

8. Choose the name of the computer you want to share your data with.

9. On your other Windows device, click Save on the notification that pops up on the screen, and your transfer is finished. 

Pros & Cons Of Using Windows 10 Nearby Sharing


1. Quick and easy data sharing between PCs.

2. Secure method of the file transfer. In the settings, you can pick and choose which devices you are visible to. 

3. You don’t need an internet connection or a WiFi router for this transfer. 


1. PC must have Windows 10 May 2019 Update.

2. Graphics card that supports Direct X 11.

3. Nearby Sharing features only allow you to share files between Windows computers. 

4. The method doesn’t cover long distances because of the low range of the WiFi connection. 

3. Apple AirDrop

apple airdrop

If you are an iPhone user, you must have heard of AirDrop. 

Airdrop is an Apple exclusive feature that lets you share files between iPhone, Macs and iPads.

With the flexibility of Airdrop, you can easily transfer all your data to any Apple device of your choice. And the app doesn’t only work for photos and videos. You can share texts, locations, website links, and much more.

How To Share Files Using AirDrop On iPhone

1. Go to the Control Center on your phone and turn on both Bluetooth and WiFi. Also, tap the AirDrop icon to turn it on.

2. Choose the files you wish to send and press the share button on the bottom left side of your screen. 

3. Any Apple devices active around you will show up on your phone. Tap the one that you want to share your data with. 

4. Accept the file on your other device and the transfer will be completed.

How To Transfer Files Using AirDrop On Mac

1. Selecting your file of choice, click on the Share option in your app window.

2. Now choose the relevant file recipient from all the options that appear on your screen.

3. Click Accept on your other device when you get a notification of the file transfer. 

Pros & Cons Of Sharing Files Using AirDrop


1. Having a dedicated free app for transferring files makes it easy to send and receive files between various devices.

2. With AirDrop, you can easily send or receive any file, no matter what the size. This makes it especially convenient to transfer large photo and video files between devices.

3. You don’t need to connect any wires. As long as all your devices are close by, you can transfer any file you like.

4. Apple’s trademark file sharing app is not only free but is also safe from hackers. It is constantly updated to keep you and your data secure.


1. As the app uses Bluetooth and WiFi technology, you can share files over distances longer than 30 feet.

2. AirDrop is not compatible with non-Apple devices. Also, iPhones don’t have the regular Android feature of Bluetooth file sharing. Meaning you can’t transfer anything to your Windows PC using this app.

3. If you have an old device, from before 2010, you can’t use the AirDrop wireless feature.

Filemail: The WiFi File Transfer Alternative

filemail wifi transfer alternative

WiFi and even Bluetooth work perfectly when both devices are close to each other and file sizes are small.

But how can you transfer files to a device further afield? Or send files wirelessly with friends and family who don’t share the same wireless network?

Certainly in a professional capacity, you will often have to send files to people and organizations that are distributed globally.

That’s where Filemail comes in. No complicated setups, no scanning QR codes, no jumping through hoops. Sending a file is as easy as sending an email.

How To Send Files Using Filemail

Go to Filemail.com and follow these simple steps:

1. On the homepage, type in the recipient’s email address in the To field.

2. Write your email address in the From field. Then type in the subject of your email. Also, add in a message if you like.

3. Click on Add Files to pick individual files for transfer. Or click Add Folder to send an entire folder worth of data.

4. Click on Send. Your files will be uploaded to Filemail’s cloud.

5. The recipient will get an email with a link to download the shared files. Or you can get a secure link and share that however you want.

Benefits Of Using Filemail To Share High-Quality Photos


1. Send up to 5 GB free

With Filemail, you can send and receive data without paying a penny.

2. Easy To Use Interface

The app has a user-friendly interface that is easy to use and understand. 

3. The Recipient Doesn’t Need Filemail

The person at the receiving end doesn’t need to install any app.

4. On All Platforms

We have apps for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac computers, and a browser-based application. This means, you can use the same software to transfer all your files, to any device, near or far.


1. It Needs Internet

The only real con for this method is that you need a stable internet connection to use it. Both the sender and receiver must have a strong network connection to upload and download files respectively.

Any File Size, Any File Type, 1 TB Storage

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How To Send High Quality Photos: 6 Free Methods

send high quality photos

This article mentions 6 ways you can use to send high quality photos without losing quality. The methods are:

  • Email
  • Bluetooth 
  • AirDrop 
  • Wi-Fi Direct 
  • Google Photos
  • Filemail: File-Sharing App

If you want to share files using a USB cable or SD card, then check out our article on how to transfer files from phone to computer

Share Up To 5 GB Of High Resolution Images

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Problems With Sending High Quality Images

Imagine being a photographer who works with high-resolution images. Where would you go if you want to upload your work on the internet? What would you use if you wanted to send high-quality photographs to your clients? 

There are many solutions you can use to send photos. But, when it comes to sending high-quality photos some of these solutions bring their own set of problems:

  • Uploaded images suffer from a loss of quality due to automatically being compressed or converted to a lossy file format
  • Unable to upload large files due to file size limits
  • You can’t upload certain file types
  • Unable to share files over large distances

It’s not just photographers who have to circumvent these problems, but also those who work with high-resolution images. Countless e-commerce businesses require high-resolution photography only, so they can show the products they sell in a manner visitors and buyers demand. 

With that out of the way, what methods can you use to send high-resolution images?

6 Methods To Send High Quality Photos

There are many methods to share high-quality photos, each has advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a closer look at each method. 

1. Email

email audio files

Email wasn’t designed to send photo’s, but it can be used if the image files are under the maximum attachment size. Typical attachment sizes for the major free email providers are shown below.

Email Provider Maximum File Attachment Size
25 MB
Microsoft Exchange Server
10 MB
20 MB

How To Send Photos Without Losing Quality Using Email

1. Click on New Email or Compose.

2. Type the email address of the intended recipient.

3. Fill in the subject, and optional body text.

4. Click Attach File, and select the images you want to send.

5. Click on the Send button when ready.

If sending from a PC, you can compress multiple images into a single archived file such as a Zip or RAR file. You then attach the archive via the attachment option, and you’re good to go.

If you plan to send photos via email on your smartphone, you can go directly to your gallery and select the images you want to send. When you select the sharing option, the menu will show you various methods. One such method will be via your primary email account that is linked to your phone.

You will still need to fill in the recipient email address, subject line, and optional body text.

Pros & Cons Of Using Email To Share Images


1. Sending an image is as easy as sending an email.

2. Multiple images can be sent either as attachments or compressed into a single folder.


1. Email attachment size can prohibit sending large images.

2. Some email clients and providers will automatically compress or resize images.

3. Sending a lot of images can be laborious and time-consuming.

2. Bluetooth

use bluetooth to share audio files

Bluetooth had once been the major image-sharing method for years. It was the easiest option to send high quality photos, certainly when sharing with friends and family.

Most smartphones are equipped with Bluetooth, and you can install a Bluetooth dongle on your PC as well to share high-quality images.

How To Send Photos Without Losing Quality Via Bluetooth

1. Turn on Bluetooth on the device you want to send images from. 

2. The receiver must also switch on Bluetooth.

3. You’ll then need to pair the devices:

i) PC as the sending device

a. Go to Start > Settings >  Devices > Bluetooth & Other Devices.

b. Click on Add Bluetooth or other device.

c. Select Bluetooth.

d. On the next screen, you will see your receiving device listed, click on it.

e. On your receiving device click on Pair, and on your PC click on Connect.

ii) Android phone as the sending device

a. Go to Settings > Bluetooth.

b. Look under Available Devices to see your receiving device listed, click on it.

c. You will get a notification on your PC: Add a device, Tap to set up your [device name].

d. On your phone click on Paid, and on your PC click on Connect.

4. Go to the image you want to share.

i) Sharing image from PC 

a. Right-click on the image and select Send To > Bluetooth Device. 

b. Select the listed receiving device, and click on Next. 

c. On your phone click on Accept.

ii) Sharing image from your phone

a. Tap on the Share icon.

b. Scroll to the Bluetooth icon.

c. On the Choose Bluetooth Device screen, tap on your PC Name.

d. On your PC confirm you want to receive the file.

Pros & Cons Of Sharing Images Using Bluetooth


1. Common technology present on mobile devices, printers, and many other gadgets. 

2. Free to use if you already have it present on your devices, and cheap to install if you don’t.

3. The technology is wireless; hence you don’t need an internet connection.

4. You can keep the image quality intact while sharing the files.


1. Devices need to be close to each other, the maximum distance is around 100 meters from each other.

2. Low bandwidth and slower transfer speeds of up to 25 Mbps.

3. Sending images one at a time is inefficient.

3. AirDrop

airdrop high quality pics

Airdrop is a file-sharing service that Apple users can use. It can be used to share images between all types of Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, and MacBook.

It is a wireless transfer service that uses both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. You can transfer files over short distances, so the receiver can’t be more than 30 feet away.

How To Send High Quality Photos Using AirDrop

1. Open the control center on your iPhone. Tap on the AirDrop icon and select Contacts Only or Everyone.

2. After that, turn on the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, if they were not automatically switched on. 

3. The receiver will also need to have AirDrop enabled, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on. 

4. Go to the image you want to share, and select the Share option.

5. Under the AirDrop option, you can select the person you want to share the image with.

6. The receiver will need to accept the file being transferred.

Pros & Cons Of Using AirDrop To Transfer Pictures


1. The image size remains intact.

2. It is a speedy service.

3. AirDrop makes it easy to share files.


1. Only for Apple users which means devices such as iPhone, Mac, iPad, etc.

2. The devices should be near each, otherwise, the service doesn’t work.

3. AirDrop won’t work if both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are not switched on.

4. Wi-Fi Direct

use wifi direct for high resolution picture transfer

Wi-Fi Direct sometimes referred to as Wi-Fi P2P, is a wireless communication technology that enables two devices to establish a direct connection and share files. The technology enables browsing and file sharing possible without an internet connection, nor a Wi-Fi router.

You can use Wi-Fi Direct to share high-resolution images between devices. It’s like Bluetooth, although transfer rates are faster, and you don’t need to pair the devices. 

How To Use Wi-Fi Direct To Send High Quality Photos

1. On Android go to Settings > Wi-Fi, scroll down and tap on Additional Settings.

2. Select Wi-Fi Direct. If it is not available, you’ll need to turn on Wi-Fi and GPS Location.

3. Make a note of the network name and passcode.

4. On your PC go to Settings > Network & Internet.

5. Select Wi-Fi > Manage Known Networks, and then Add A New Network.

6. Type in the Network Name, and Security Key (Passcode). Your PC and Android are now connected.

Pros & Cons Of Sharing Using Wi-Fi Direct


1. Secure connection using the WPA2 protocol.

2. Direct connection and communication between devices.

3. A Wi-Fi Direct device can work with legacy Wi-Fi devices that do not have Wi-Fi Direct.

4. Transfer rate can be up to 250 Mbps, which is faster than Bluetooth. 

5. No internet connection required. 


1. You can only share data with nearby recipients.

2. Relatively high power consumption when compared to other solutions.

3. Wi-Fi Direct isn’t available on Apple devices, so you can’t use this method to share files between Apple and non-Apple devices.

4. Not as universal as Bluetooth.

5. Google Photos

google photos to transfer high quality images

Google Photos app is a cloud-based application that you can use to upload and manage your images. You can also use it as backup storage to free up space on your smartphone and PC.

How To Send High Quality Photos Using Google Photos

1. Go to the album or photo you want to share. 

2. Tap the Share icon (three connected dots).

3. Select the desired share option, such as contact name, email address, or phone number, of the person you want to share with.

Pros & Cons Of Image Sharing Using Google Photos


1. Ad-free.

2. Strong integration with Android.

3. Free storage up to 15 GB, but this is shared with Google Drive.


1. The maximum file size is 16 MB for images which may be insufficient for people who share very high resolution images.

2. As always with Google products and services, there are privacy issues.

6. Filemail: For Sending High Quality Photos

filemail to share high resolution pictures

File sharing applications are cloud-based services. They all operate on a basic premise which is, you upload files such as images, videos, and documents via their website or apps. The files are stored in their clouds. Your intended recipients are given a link which they use to access and download files.

File-sharing services will typically offer a limited free service, with paid plans that offer more features. 

Filemail is one such file-sharing service, and we also offer a limited free service. You can send up to 5 GB free, with no restrictions on the number of recipients, nor the number of downloads. 

Steps To Share High-Quality Images Using Filemail

Sending files with Filemail is as easy as using email. You can share images by:

1. Attaching the files or folders you want to share, alternatively, you can drag and drop the images.

2. Add the recipient’s email addresses.

3. Add a Subject to your message.

4. Fill in the Body of your message, although this is optional.

5. Click on Send.

Your recipients will get an email that gives them a download link, so they can access all the files you shared. Or you can share the download link in whatever way you want, via WhatsApp, forums, social media, etc.

Benefits Of Using Filemail To Share High-Quality Photos

With Filemail you can:

1. Upload any file type, JPG, BMP, TIF, PSD, you name it, Filemail can take it.

2. Filemail doesn’t compress or convert any images you upload.

3. Being a cloud-based solution, you can transfer photos to any other internet-enabled device.

4. With a paid plan you can upload and share images from 25 GB to any file size. You won’t need to reduce the resolution of the original image. 

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How To Transfer Files From Phone To Computer: 4 Free Methods

how to transfer files from phone to computer

In this article we will cover how to transfer files from phone to computer. We’ll go over 4 methods which are:

  1. Transferring files using a USB cable
  2. Transferring files with an SD card
  3. Transferring files wirelessly
  4. Transferring files using a cloud-based solution

Transfer Files Up To 5 GB Free

No Registration Required


We use phones for almost everything nowadays.

Taking photos, videos, storing important documents, social media, playing music, you name it. Some of us even use it to call another person.

Because of this reliance on phones as a gadget with many uses you’ll end up storing many files on your mobile phone.

But what do you do when you have to send files from your phone to your computer? No matter how much storage capacity your phone has, eventually you’ll have to transfer files from your phone to computer.

Let’s have a look at four transfer methods to send files from phone to PC or Mac.

1. How To Transfer Files From Phone To Computer Using A USB Cable?

usb cable to transfer files

USB cable transfer is by far the preferred method for many folks. And why wouldn’t it be?

All it takes is to connect your phone to your computer. A few more steps to set up and voilà!

Now you can both send and receive files through either of your devices.

1.1 Sending Files From Phone To Windows PC

How to transfer files from Android to PC using a USB cable?

Let’s see how you can transfer files from your Android mobile or iPhone to a computer running on Windows.

1. Plug your phone into your computer via a USB cable.

2. You will see a message about the USB connection in the notification bar. Make sure it is set to ‘transfer files’ mode.

3. Now double-click My Computer and you will see your phone show up, under Devices and Drivers.

4. You can now move files from your mobile to a folder on your PC.

How to transfer files from iPhone to PC using a USB cable?

For iPhones, you will have to put in a bit more effort.

1. First up, make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your Windows computer.

2. Link your iPhone to your PC using a lightning to USB cable.

3. Open the iTunes app on your Windows device. Make your way to the top-left corner of the screen where you will see the ‘Device’ tab. Click it and then click ‘next’ on File Sharing.

4. Select your target apps. iTunes will let you choose which files from these apps you can send to your computer.

5. After selecting your files, hit ‘Save To’, to begin transferring your data to your PC. All done!

1.2 Transferring Files From Smartphone To Mac

apple usb for file transfer

How to transfer files from an Android phone to Mac using a USB cable?

This is definitely not as straightforward as shifting documents between Android and Windows devices. But still, nothing too complicated.

1. The first step is to install the Android File Transfer app on your Mac. The application should run and install itself.

2. Now just plug your phone into your Apple device using a USB cable.

3. Browse the contents of your phone as you please and transfer them to the desired folder on your Mac.

How to transfer files from iPhone to Mac using a USB cable?

Follow these steps to send files from iPhone to Mac:

1. Connect both your Apple devices using a Lightning to USB cable.

2. The iTunes app will open up by default. If not, then you have to start the app yourself.

3. In the top-left corner, click on the iPhone icon. This will open up a new window.

4. Here at the bottom, you will find information on your device’s storage. You will see sections for audio files, photos and videos, apps, documents, and other items.

5. Click on the relevant section to start sending files from your iPhone to Mac.

1.3 Pros & Cons Of Using USB Cable To Transfer Files

Pros Cons
It is quick, easy, and fail-proof every time.
You will need to be physically near your computer, or at most as far as your USB cable allows.
With USB file transferring, you don’t need an internet connection.
You don’t need to spend a lot as USB cables are quite cheap.

2. How To Transfer Files From Smartphone To Your Computer With An SD Card?

They may be small, but SD cards sure are mighty. They carry anywhere from 64 MB to 1 TB of data on a single chip.

Just like USB cables, SD cards are a widely used means of transferring data. All you need to make this method work for you is an SD card slot on your computer device.

2.1 How To Transfer Files From Android Phone To Windows PC Or Mac Using An SD Card?

If your Android phone stores all your files on your micro-SD card then transferring files will be easy.

Follow these steps:

1. If you have files saved on phone memory, you’ll first have to put an SD in your mobile and transfer the relevant files onto the SD card.

2. Remove the micro-SD card from your phone and place it in a card reader.

3. Insert the card reader into the memory card slot of your computer device.

4. Now you can just copy-paste files from your card to your PC or Mac. Yes, it is that simple.

2.2 How To Transfer Files From iPhone To Windows And Mac Computers Using An SD Card?

iPhones don’t have an SD card slot. So, transferring files from your iPhone to your computer won’t be as quick. To start the process, you will also need an extra tool in the form of a Lightning to SD card adapter.

1. After connecting the Lighting port to your iPhone, insert the memory card into the card reader.

2. Head to the file you want to transfer. For instance, a photo you want to send to your computer.

3. Select the item and press the option to Share.

4. Next, tap on Save to Files. This is when your phone will show you the available options. Select your SD card, which mostly shows up as No Name.

5. From there, select the folder where you wish to store your file.

6. To complete the transfer, eject your SD card after saving your files on it. Insert it into your desktop or laptop device. You will now be able to drag and drop files from the card to your device.

2.3 Pros & Cons Of Using SD Cards For File Transfer

Pros Cons
For Android devices that come with micro-SD card slots, this method is a huge time saver.
Probably not the ideal method for iPhone users because you will have to buy a Lightning to SD card adapter.
It is easy to follow, and you can transfer large files within minutes.
The process is slow and involves many steps.

3. How To Send Files Wirelessly From Phone To Computer?

If you feel using wired connections to send and receive files is outdated, then why not give wireless transfer a shot?

You can avoid the hassle of using cables or SD cards by transferring files from phone to PC using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

Let’s see how.

3.1 How To Send Files From Phone To PC Using Bluetooth?

use bluetooth to share audio files

Sending Files From Android Phone To Windows Computer Using Bluetooth

1. Head to the settings of your cell phone and tap on Bluetooth. Turn it on and make sure that it is discoverable for nearby devices.

2. On your Windows computer, go to the start menu and click on the wheel on the left side, to go into Settings. Type Bluetooth in the search bar and click the option when it appears in the drop-down menu.

3. On the right side of the window, you will see an option to send or receive files via Bluetooth. Click it to open the file transfer wizard.

4. Select Receive Files before selecting your mobile device from the available devices list. Then, select Next.

5. In the meanwhile, unlock your phone and long-press to choose any files you want to transfer. From the settings, press share and then select Bluetooth.

6. Select your PC from the list of “available devices” on your phone.

7. On your computer, click Finish after choosing your preferred folder to save the received file. And that seals the deal.

Sending Files From Android Phone To Mac Using Bluetooth

1. Turn on Bluetooth on your Android phone and set it to discoverable.

2. On your Mac, go to Bluetooth in Preferences through Settings and turn it on.

3. Tap Pair on your mobile phone when you see your Mac show up in available devices nearby.

4. Now get back on the Mac. From the Preference window, click on Sharing. Tick the box next to Bluetooth Sharing. Select your output pathway, and now you can begin sharing.

When you send your documents through Android, a notification will pop up on your Mac. Your files will go straight into the specified folder when you hit accept.

3.2 How To Transfer Files From iPhone To Mac Using Apple Airdrop?

airdrop to share files locally

While your iPhone can’t send files using Bluetooth, it has something else in its arsenal.

Airdrop is a special exclusive feature made for Apple devices only. This makes sharing files between devices feel like nothing. Moreover, it works both on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Follow these handy steps to file share with Airdrop:

1. In the Control center on the iPhone, press the Airdrop icon to turn it on.

2. Head into your app from where you have to share files. For instance, to share photos, select all the images you want to send to your Mac.

3. Now tap the Share button that appears first in line at the bottom of the phone screen. Select your Mac from the devices that show up. And that is it.

It really is that easy!

3.3 How To Transfer Files From Smartphone to PC Using Wi-Fi Without Internet?

use wifi direct for high resolution picture transfer

Receiving Files from Android Phone or iPhone to Window PC Using Wi-Fi Router

Got a Wi-Fi router?

Great! Now you can start sending and receiving files between devices.

But before you go, you will need to install any third-party FTP app on your Android or iOS phone to make things work.

And since Windows doesn’t support airdrop, you can’t use Bluetooth to send files from your iPhone to a Windows computer. That is why you can use this same method for sharing files from your iPhone to PC with a wireless connection. For this:

1. Go to the Internet Settings on your phone.

2. Locate the Wi-Fi hotspot feature in Hotspot & tethering settings and simply turn it on.

3. Open the FTP app that will show you a URL.

4. On your computer, go to My Computer.

5. In the address bar at the top, type in the URL from your phone app. Your Android storage will be now visible on your computer.

Transferring Files from Your Android Phone to Mac using Wi-Fi Router

You can actually use the same FTP storage sharing method on your Mac. But you will need to install an FTP-supported app on your computer as well.

Copy the URL from your Android and paste it into your FTP app on your Mac. And you will start seeing your phone storage on your screen in no time.

3.4 Pros & Cons Of Using Wireless To Send Files

Pros Cons
No need to bother with wires anymore. Connect to any device with just a few taps.
You can’t share files between iPhone and Windows PC with Bluetooth.
You can connect to multiple devices at the same time.
Wireless transfer is never as fast as a wired connection.
Airdrop makes file sharing very easy and convenient.
You will need to install an FTP app on your phone.
Airdrop doesn’t work for Android and Windows enabled devices.
Airdrop needs both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled.
Both sending and receiving devices need to be on the same Wi-Fi network so distance between them is limited.

4. How To Share Files From Your Phone To PC Using Cloud-Based Providers

cloud based providers

If you have access to the internet then forget about all other file sharing methods. Because you can use the most efficient way of transferring files.

We are talking about cloud-based file sharing. It is super easy, even your grandma can use it.

Here is how it works:

1. Download the relevant cloud-based sharing and storage apps on both your devices (phone and PC). Some popular ones include Google Drive, iCloud, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox.

2. Place any files you want to share in your cloud-based app folders. Set it to Auto-sync on your phone and computer.

3. Now you can share files from anywhere, anytime with anyone.

Super easy, right?

4.1 Pros & Cons Of Using Wireless To Share Files

Pros Cons
It is the file-sharing method of the future. Many devices already use cloud-based file storage and sharing methods. The Google Pixel phones are a popular example.
No internet? No cloud sharing.
Each file on the cloud server has a unique URL. You can share this with anyone, and they can access the link from anywhere across the globe.
Sadly, you can’t send or receive files without a reliable internet connection. Moreover, these services may also require you to buy extra storage space.
There is no limit to how much you send via some cloud-based solutions. You may run out of space, but you can always buy more.
Unfortunately there are some cloud-based service providers who don't let you send very large files.

Transfer Files From Your Phone to Your PC Easily with Filemail

share files from phone to computer using filemail

Filemail is a cloud-based solution that lets you send files to anyone you want.

With our website, or multi-platform apps, you can send and receive files on any platform- be it your PC, Mac, Android, or iPhone.

All you need to do, is attach your target files, type in the email address of the recipient, and hit send.

No more watching endless tutorial videos to figure out the upload process. You send the files and your intended recipients get the link in their email. No lengthy registrations and no need to share personal details. Filemail lets you transfer anything while ensuring the security and secrecy of your data.

So, download Filemail on your phone right now to send documents, music, photos, videos, and more to your Windows or Mac computers. 

And here’s the catch: It is FREE! Ok, that’s not really a catch. The catch is our free service is not as comprehensive as our paid plans. Share files of up to 5 GB for free.

Share files of any size, get 1 TB of storage & more

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